dude aint going down for murder 1 i'll tell you that. so dont even expect it. probably some kind of manslaughter who knows if that. Oh boy Turned the car on and was about to ride off. the cop overreacted and shot him. But the fact remains ole boy was trying to drive off.
Let this be a lesson to black folks. If you really didnt do nothing wrong but dont have your license. you have 3 choices with these coppers. #1. NEVER STOP IN THE FIRST PLACE(and deal with the repercussions once you do. #2. If you feel like you may be the next one dead. shoot first(not sayin you should do this, but hey if you fear for your life defend yourself and let the repercussions fall where they may(you will end up in jail for shooting an officer or dead if he gets you first just know this going in) #3. pray that you do whatever he tells you will keep you from getting Lit up.
This is what i'm going to tell you. no matter which you choose. their aint no guarantees in Amerikkka. So its on you.