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Jul 26, 2012
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam did not originate in Africa. All major world religions originateed in either the Middle East or South Asia. That's not a bad thing per se because Africa has thousands of unique faiths that originated in the continent organically and that your ancestors actually have a connection to. Be a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist etc. but don't make up facts about religions and ignore the existence and denigrate African beliefs.

I'm not making up anything, nor am I denigrating anything....


Jan 28, 2013
*You've made it clear you didnt understand the post you initally quoted to "correct".

I said plate tectonics influenced migration, you said earthquakes.

This word mincing is getting old chief.

You need a nap my dude. I didn't say that.

You talk as if I made the thing about Cush up and its not a centuries long ongoing discussion.

Very corny of you to start editing out the portions of my post that already refute the statement above.


Bullshyt and bullshyt respectively.

What you consider isreal and africa was determined by cacs in the process of whitewashing history.

This however proves isreal is connected to africa via tectonic plates and landmass. The only thing separating them are imaginary politically determined lines.​

Separated by what sir?

An Imaginary line?

You mean to tell me black people made it to the arab peninsula in time to be enslaved but weren't there in moses time? Dont bother wasting the keystrokes to tell me you didn't say this literally:rolleyes:

We're both referencing geology, this is a really dumb point to make. What the fukk is a tectonic plate if not geology?

The difference is the geological evidence your argument is hinging on is a line by cacs, I provided evidence based on the actual landmass.  :coffee:

Just using your logic :troll: keep mincing at those words

I was going to post that image but I didn’t care to argue :yeshrug: Thanks for doing it. Alot of people in the scientific community will admit that Israel and other parts of the Levant are in Africa because technically they are. If the continent breaks away, they’re all coming. It’s just man made borders and politics. That was the bridge early humans used to travel to the rest of the world. They weren’t walking through the Arabian desert. They were walking their ass through Egypt, through the Sinai peninsula to Israel and from there on up to what we now know as Iraq, Iran, etc. Then spread out. The only reason it’s not considered Africa is white people said so. As far as the Earth is concerned it is.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012

I wouldn't have responded if I didn't understand what you stated.​

Cleary false, you argue for the sake of it. You made it clear this post.​

Plates moving CAUSES earthquakes, breh, but what you're suggesting occurred 200 million years ago, not 10,000 years ago.
You're trying to reduce all tectonic plate movement to the 200 year timeframe and I've disproven that line of thinking in at least 2 different posts. :coffee:You've proven nothing.

I maintain that its only a theory on how distance may explain biblical inacciracies on location, but its not at all disproven by anything you said.

Israel isn't in Africa.
Ill stick with my evidence to contrary


Sad that all you can do is appeal the authority of cacs. :yeshrug:

Red herrings are red.
Strawmen are yellow
The sand you bury your head in is brown.

The point?

Plate tectonics isn't 'whitewashing history'. It's science.

Proof you're just talking out your ass.

The continental boundaries were not based on plate tectonics. They were drawn almost 3000 years before plate tectonics became an accepted scientific theory. Plate tectonics says isreal is in Africa. Thats why you keep deleting this image before invoking the name of the science thats disproving what you're saying.

Repeating "ITz SCienCE" is a retards attempt at appeal to authority. Sorry buddy I studied geology too.

[But doesn't prove Israel is IN Africa. Matter of fact, it disproves that assertion.​

The Red Sea, Mediterranean Ocean, Gulf of Aqaba, and the Persian Gulf.

They are literally connected. Pay attention. It's science​


The problem is your assertion is 200 million years before the events/people you're talking about even existed.
Heavy lack of critical thinking on display

You keep throwing 200 million years around but that figure LITERALLY applies to the time frame this pangea map took to resmble our modern one

That is 200 million years worth of movement, idiot. Not the tip of africa separting

Im not continuing this discussion, play stupid on your own time.