Christian Crowdfunding Site Raises over $150K For Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenhouse


Jun 20, 2013
King Saul had orders to slay women, men, infants, and live stocks straight from the most high in 1 Samuel the fifteen chapter. Keep reading to like the 10th or Ninth verse you see the most high displeased with Saul for sparing a few of them.

Exodus 15:3 The Lord is a man of war. Christ even says in Matthew Think Not That I come to bring peace but a sword. I was always taught the sword in the that versed referred to the word and not a literal sword though as a methodist growing up. Because it would conflict with what he later said about All who take up the sword die by it or something can't remember verbatim.

it isn’t a literal sword

Matthew 10:32-39
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.


Apr 14, 2015
Of course not. That’s neither here nor there. Populations change. America is filled with Europeans now. The Levant is technically Africa. It’s the same land mass. Look it up if you don’t believe me :yeshrug:
:francis::francis::francis::francis: Don’t be a fool breh Israel and Lebanon has and will never be African be proud do your heritage stop claiming other peoples it comes of as self-hatred

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Wrong, but you ain't the first to make that error since there aren't many people that hold the position I do regarding this issue. I am not a theist whatsoever, but the subject is interesting to me.
Well gee, I sure got the arguing just to argue part right. Thank you for correcting me on the theist stuff​

Earthquakes influencing migrations =/= Israel is in Africa
Humans orginate in africa

Somehow tho, humans are already in America by the time Columbus sails to North America with an ocean between continents

And the explanation here is earthquakes?

There's no contradiction since the civilizations in that region had been in contact with one another since about 5,000 BCE via trade and warfare. Ethiopia/Cush isn't referenced to be in Mesopotamia.​
If you're going to mince my words please mince them right, sir. I never said it was in Mesopotamia.

The contradiction is that Cush is refrenced in the bible to be south of Jerusalem. Kush is in Ethiopia which can be traced back ethnically. This would put a fukkton of land/water between them....unless you say, rotate the arab red sea area a few degrees downward clockwise:sas2:

Visual reference

Peep how the red sea area separates at literally the final seconds of the animation:sas1:

This my theory tho.

There's no reason to suggest that as a plausible explanation seeing as there is NO mention of that kind/degree of movement in any documentation/myth/legend discovered thus far.
What's more asinine is to suggest that known civilizations were separated by tectonic movement and then 'whitewashed' to be located somewhere they weren't due to an ideological presupposition rather than objective evidence.​
Yes, this shyt is a result of whitewashing.

Your argument against the people in the bible being black literally hinges on the continental line of africa.

But said continental line was drawn by 16th century Europeans, during the historical dawn of racism and colonialism in its modern iteration. the golden era of intentioned whitewashing of history.

Africa as a continent has a stronger claim to the isreal area from geographically being on the same tectonic plate....from the landmasses being connected for the majority of the planet's history.

Your only claim against a line drawn 1.6 thousand years after jesus by cacs who were already lying about his appearance :rolleyes: asinine

I mean you already stated early humans migrated for a number of reasons but its suddenly impossible that any of the black ones migrated to a stretch of land their continent was literally connected to for eons:piss: so asinine


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Kenny West said:
Well gee, I sure got the arguing just to argue part right.​
Correcting misunderstandings =/= arguing
Kenny West said:
Humans orginate in africa

Somehow tho, humans are already in America by the time Columbus sails to North America with an ocean between continents

And the explanation here is earthquakes?
No one is making that argument.

Kenny West said:
If you're going to mince my words please mince them right, sir. I never said it was in Mesopotamia.

You stated Israel was in Africa which is false. Israel is in Mesopotamia.

Kenny West said:
The contradiction is that Cush is refrenced in the bible to be south of Jerusalem

It IS south of Jerusalem. That isn't a contradiction, that's geography.

Kenny West said:
Yes, this shyt is a result of whitewashing.

No, it isn't.
Kenny West said:
You're argument against the people in the bible being black literally hinges on the continental line of africa.

That isn't my argument.
Kenny West said:
But said continental line was drawn by 16th century Europeans, during the historical dawn of racism and colonialism in its modern iteration. the golden era of intentioned whitewashing of history.

Which doesn't prove Israel was in Africa.
Kenny West said:
Africa as a continent has a stronger claim to the isreal area from geographically being on the same tectonic plate....from the landmasses being connected for the majority of the planet's history.

And by the time the civilizations of the Old World arose, Africa had been separated from there for over 200 million years.
Kenny West said:
Your only claim against a line drawn 1.6 thousand years after jesus by cacs who were already lying about his appearance asinine

No, my claim against it is from geology, an objectively verifiable science.
Kenny West said:
I mean you already stated early humans migrated for a number of reasons but its suddenly impossible that any of the black ones migrated to a stretch of land

Never insinuated that to be the case.​

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Correcting misunderstandings =/= arguing
*You've made it clear you didnt understand the post you initally quoted to "correct".

No one is making that argument.
I said plate tectonics influenced migration, you said earthquakes.

This word mincing is getting old chief.

You stated Israel was in Africa which is false. Israel is in Mesopotamia.
You need a nap my dude. I didn't say that.

You talk as if I made the thing about Cush up and its not a centuries long ongoing discussion.

It IS south of Jerusalem. That isn't a contradiction, that's geography.

Very corny of you to start editing out the portions of my post that already refute the statement above.


No, it isn't.
That isn't my argument.​
Bullshyt and bullshyt respectively.

Which doesn't prove Israel was in Africa.

What you consider isreal and africa was determined by cacs in the process of whitewashing history.

This however proves isreal is connected to africa via tectonic plates and landmass. The only thing separating them are imaginary politically determined lines.​

And by the time the civilizations of the Old World arose, Africa had been separated from there for over 200 million years.
Separated by what sir?

An Imaginary line?

You mean to tell me black people made it to the arab peninsula in time to be enslaved but weren't there in moses time? Dont bother wasting the keystrokes to tell me you didn't say this literally:rolleyes:

No, my claim against it is from geology, an objectively verifiable science.
We're both referencing geology, this is a really dumb point to make. What the fukk is a tectonic plate if not geology?

The difference is the geological evidence your argument is hinging on is a line by cacs, I provided evidence based on the actual landmass.  :coffee:

Never insinuated that to be the case.​
Just using your logic :troll: keep mincing at those words


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Kenny West said:
*You've made it clear you didnt understand the post you initally quoted to "correct".​

I wouldn't have responded if I didn't understand what you stated.​

Kenny West said:
I said plate tectonics influenced migration, you said earthquakes.

This word mincing is getting old chief.

Plates moving CAUSES earthquakes, breh, but what you're suggesting occurred 200 million years ago, not 10,000 years ago.
Kenny West said:
You talk as if I made the thing about Cush up and its not a centuries long ongoing discussion.

Israel isn't in Africa.
Kenny West said:
Very corny of you to start editing out the portions of my post that already refute the statement above.

Red herrings are red.
Kenny West said:
What you consider isreal and africa was determined by cacs in the process of whitewashing history.

Plate tectonics isn't 'whitewashing history'. It's science.
Kenny West said:
This however proves isreal is connected to africa via tectonic plates and landmass.

But doesn't prove Israel is IN Africa. Matter of fact, it disproves that assertion.​

Kenny West said:
Separated by what sir?

An Imaginary line?
The Red Sea, Mediterranean Ocean, Gulf of Aqaba, and the Persian Gulf.
Kenny West said:
You mean to tell me black people made it to the arab peninsula in time to be enslaved but weren't there in moses time? Dont bother wasting the keystrokes to tell me you didn't say this literally

I didn't say that at all.​

Kenny West said:
We're both referencing geology, this is a really dumb point to make. What the fukk is a tectonic plate if not geology?

The problem is your assertion is 200 million years before the events/people you're talking about even existed.


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
The bible describes jesus as a black man. Christianity does have roots in Africa just like other religions except for buddhism and Hinduism. The middle east is just the bridge of northeast Africa to Asia.
The Middle East is not Africa:mjlol:. Y'all the same people who call actual indigenous African religions like Odinani, Vodun, Maasai faith and San religion as satanic :mjlol:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
JadeB said:
The Middle East is not Africa:mjlol:. Y'all the same people who call actual indigenous African religions like Odinani, Vodun, Maasai faith and San religion as satanic :mjlol:

These are also the same people claiming Africans were 'Black' but then turn around and say not to trust 'White' people, but their very anachronistic definition of what constitutes 'Black' is from 'White' people, not Africans......



la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
If the don't treat you right, they won't teach you right.......
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam did not originate in Africa. All major world religions originateed in either the Middle East or South Asia. That's not a bad thing per se because Africa has thousands of unique faiths that originated in the continent organically and that your ancestors actually have a connection to. Be a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist etc. but don't make up facts about religions and ignore the existence and denigrate African beliefs.