Christian Crowdfunding Site Raises over $150K For Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenhouse


Mar 6, 2014
Africa.. :mjlol:

Israel is in Africa..

Even if you don't believe the bible..

The day God poured out his spirit on the day of pentecost, and they were gathered in the "upper room". That was in Israel, which is Africa.

That Suez canal is man built..

So i hope they don't go there..

Israel is not in Africa. It’s in the Middle East which is in Asia. Be geographically challenged brehs

Ancient Jerusalem is buried in the Kalahari. Africa is the land promised to the seed of Abraham.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Yup. Don't know why christian brothas in here acting funny style. Some of the most noticeable bible figures got bodies on top of bodies. King David Slew 7,000 Syrian men in Chariots.Moses killed an African after seeing him beat a hebrew while captive in Egypt.
and each of them were cursed for it :manny:

David also sent Uriah the Hittite to his death to take his wife Bathsheba.

Moses ordered the slaughter of hundreds of hebrews after they helped construct a golden calf in the wilderness (bo jacksoned the original ten commandment plates as well)

:ehh: the law is just and the law is predictable :wow:


Rhinestone Cowboy
Nov 19, 2016
There is nothing more asinine witnessing native and descended African defending Christianity. A religion that has been co-opted and utilized as the vehicle for White Supremacist. Its even baffling when morons attempt to paint said religion as an African product. When its widely known its part of the Abrahamic Religions which originate THOUSANDS OF fukkING MILES in the Middle East. The bible is nothing but a discography of Jewish origin, ascension, descent, suffering and their refusal of the prophesied Messiah. Who in the end decided to share his word with the rest of humanity. A factor which is often considered controversial if not outright chastised in Jewish circles. As someone who travelled to Africa (Kenya) I can state outside Corruption, Tribalism the 3rd biggest setback that has mentally shackled our people is Religion. Nothing but a convergence of charlatans and conmen. I've got more respect for someone praying to the forest and invoking spirits of old gods that I have for a dimwitted christian. You motherfukkers disgusts me. All you fakkits do is just spread hate and mask it under divine laws.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
and each of them were cursed for it :manny:

David also sent Uriah the Hittite to his death to take his wife Bathsheba.

Moses ordered the slaughter of hundreds of hebrews after they helped construct a golden calf in the wilderness (bo jacksoned the original ten commandment plates as well)

:ehh: the law is just and the law is predictable :wow:
King Saul had orders to slay women, men, infants, and live stocks straight from the most high in 1 Samuel the fifteen chapter. Keep reading to like the 10th or Ninth verse you see the most high displeased with Saul for sparing a few of them.

Exodus 15:3 The Lord is a man of war. Christ even says in Matthew Think Not That I come to bring peace but a sword. I was always taught the sword in the that versed referred to the word and not a literal sword though as a methodist growing up. Because it would conflict with what he later said about All who take up the sword die by it or something can't remember verbatim.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
The African plate separated about 200 million years ago.......100 million years before the first appearance of 'modern' homo sapiens so this entire line of reasoning is patently absurd.​
The only thing more absurd is a theist who runs to a scientific theory he constantly argues against to refute another theist. :dead: you talking out both sides of your neck bruh, pick a side. I can tell from this alone you arguing just to argue.

Anywho, to my point human migration has been proven to be influenced by plate tectonics to a degree and the movement between the space of northeastern Africa and asia is really not that far. We're not talking about the timeframe of the pangea supercontinent splitting or something ridiculously long.

It also would neatly resolve the contradiction of Cush/Ethiopia being geographically refrenced in the area of Mesopotamia yet being far away in modern day.

The OT was 'canonized' between 200 BCE and 200 CE. Moses' story took place about 1,000 years before that. Not 'thousands'. 400 years after Moses, the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria. 300 years later, Judah fell to Babylon.
You're right on this point, I had thought it was a timeline of 1,900 years but its around 1700

However this alone doesn't disprove anything. Even if its shaved down to 1.5k years, tectonic plate movement can be naked eye observable over the course of decades, there's really no reason dismiss the idea that the geography changed in the timespan of over 15 centuries. Again we're not talking about the distance of south america splitting to where it is now. The speed is an issue for sure but I dont take biblical cannon timeline that literally
Then, by your logic, none of the continents are 'real', either, as they all formed from one contiguous landmass 200 million years ago.

This is an asinine way to dance around his point
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
King Saul had orders to slay women, men, infants, and live stocks straight from the most high in 1 Samuel the fifteen chapter. Keep reading to like the 10th or Ninth verse you see the most high displeased with Saul for sparing a few of them.

Exodus 15:3 The Lord is a man of war. Christ even says in Matthew Think Not That I come to bring peace but a sword. I was always taught the sword in the that versed referred to the word and not a literal sword though as a methodist growing up. Because it would conflict with what he later said about All who take up the sword die by it or something can't remember verbatim.
more specifically the sins of man manifest predictable reactions amongst men

meaning the committing of sins brings the literal swords eventually, and God as always states those who live by it will die by it. If you look throughout history its true for every warlord :manny:

Each prophet warned people of the same shyt over and over and people forget the law and how it works


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Kenny West said:
The only thing more absurd is a theist who runs to a scientific theory he constantly argues against to refute another theist. you talking out both sides of your neck bruh, pick a side. I can tell from this alone you arguing just to argue.​

Wrong, but you ain't the first to make that error since there aren't many people that hold the position I do regarding this issue. I am not a theist whatsoever, but the subject is interesting to me.
Kenny West said:
Anywho, to my point human migration has been proven to be influenced by plate tectonics to a degree and the movement between the space of northeastern Africa and asia is really not that far. We're not talking about the timeframe of the pangea supercontinent splitting or something ridiculously long.

Earthquakes influencing migrations =/= Israel is in Africa
Kenny West said:
It also would neatly resolve the contradiction of Cush/Ethiopia being geographically refrenced in the area of Mesopotamia yet being far away in modern day.

There's no contradiction since the civilizations in that region had been in contact with one another since about 5,000 BCE via trade and warfare. Ethiopia/Cush isn't referenced to be in Mesopotamia.​

Kenny West said:
However this alone doesn't disprove anything. Even if its shaved down to 1.5k years, tectonic plate movement can be naked eye observable over the course of decades, there's really no reason dismiss the idea that the geography changed in the timespan of over 15 centuries. Again we're not talking about the distance of south america splitting to where it is now. The speed is an issue for sure but I dont take biblical cannon timeline that literally

There's no reason to suggest that as a plausible explanation seeing as there is NO mention of that kind/degree of movement in any documentation/myth/legend discovered thus far.
Kenny West said:
This is an asinine way to dance around his point

What's more asinine is to suggest that known civilizations were separated by tectonic movement and then 'whitewashed' to be located somewhere they weren't due to an ideological presupposition rather than objective evidence.​


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
The RW is so annoying and delusional.....

** the fund is close to 200k **

$ 20
Anonymous Donor
2 hrs ago

Kyle did what the Democrat DAs couldn't; take 3 predators off the streets. Hang in there.
$ 100
Anonymous Donor
2 hrs ago

$ 20
Caroline Palmieri
2 hrs ago

I’m proud of you for standing your ground.
$ 25
Krystal Marie Pister
2 hrs ago

Praying for you!
$ 50
Anonymous Donor
2 hrs ago

We have your six Kyle. You rid the world of pure evil and you have God’s strength my your side.
$ 20
Anonymous Donor
2 hrs ago

$ 25
2 hrs ago

Nice shooting young man! If you would not have defended yourself, YOU probably would be dead. Also; The Second Amendment says... " Shall not be infringed"... It doesn't matter how old he is or where he was!


Jan 28, 2013
So you are trying to say Israelis and Lebanese people are African cmon breh don’t be stupid:francis::francis::francis::francis:

Of course not. That’s neither here nor there. Populations change. America is filled with Europeans now. The Levant is technically Africa. It’s the same land mass. Look it up if you don’t believe me :yeshrug: