Chrisette Michele To Perform At Trump's Inauguration


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
Well if your are waiting on that for change to occur you will be waiting forever... There is no all of us. The black community is not monolithic. Like it or not there are even black people in Trump's cabinet. There is no statement left to make. Trump is well aware that only 8 percent of blacks voted for him. The data is all public.
My question to you is why can't there be unity? We can't just say we will never get there but we have to fight for it. A lot of the other races or groups can come together but not African Americans? That's stupid. It can happen but we have to create an opportunity for it to happen. We shouldn't have to get our ass kicked some more so that more of us will wake up and smell the coffee. I say those of us awake come together and the ones who don't wake up gonna perish unfortunately.

Look bad to who? Who are you trying to impress? White people? The same racist that already hate you? You are looking for white acceptance. Newsflash.. racist will be racist no matter what. One individuals decision is not the reason for them to be racist to a group. Thats excusing their racism. Stop trying to make people that hate you try to like you. Who cares what they think.

It's not about what they think but to the larger society it shows the disunity and shows that our people are hoes. It doesn't look good even to the people within our race and allows the racist white man to feel like they got control of us. It sends the message to the racist white man where he can say I got these nikkas(with the er) right where I want them. They don't like me but I can make them do what I want like pawns and we are suppose to be past that point. We got the internet and therefore we should know our history, learn from those moments and build towards a greater future.

It's not about impressing people but about standing together and if I'm working towards change and then you go work with the enemy you look silly period, no matter who is looking at it. The system you are trying to change won't respect you and would just shew you away.

Chrissete michelle did what was good for her. She doesnt reflect all black people any more so than Ben Carson or Jim Brown. You sound like a racist yourself with that logic. Black people are individuals and the only people who judge blacks as a group based on the actions of a few are racist and you shouldnt care about their opinions anyway.

Ben Carson does represent us though and Jim Brown too though they some uncle tom ass nikkas too keep it real :mjlol: This is what I'm talking about. You say black people are individuals and you are right, it should be that way and me and you know that. However, we would never get what we should as a people if we think like that when it comes to the larger scale. Their are some things we should get behind as a people on a unified front. We need people who keep real ownership of their business and don't sell out. We need people who will work in politics and I could go on and on fam but that is the only way we will get anywhere as a people. We were almost there back in the 60s with the black church but we went down hill since then. We have become feeble minded and lost sight of what is really important. We praise stupidity and I could go on and on. In this white man's world to quote pac, we are viewed as a group and the fact our ancestors was in slavery pin us together. There should be no reason we shouldn't be able to unite on something. Chrisette Chasing a bag and it's not that big of a deal but my question is when do we draw the line. People will do anything for money and I hate seeing that but it's the truth. It's kinda sad because it's like we will never be able to unite but I keep the faith.

Jews are white people. They also practice racism and discrimination towards blacks and africans. There are where they are cause they receive billions in govt handouts every years and control the banking sector. The even received reparations.
They are still people who are united though. You ain't gonna disrespect no Jew or tell them they can't feel a way about Hitler but racist white folks could tell black people slavery was long ago and disrespect us and we don't get on they ass. We let them not give us any reparations and we are okay with that, smh!

The jews even practie racism among other whites because they practice nepatism. They only put on other jews and I feel we need to do the same as a race of people. We could learn from them for sure because as you even said, the larger white society doesn't like us. So I say we get real inclusive.


May 1, 2012
If her supporters were paying her bills she wouldn't have thought about doing this..can't pay your mortgage with likes
Well unless the $250k is going to pay her bills for the rest of her life then I don't get your point. If the fan base that she had before wasn't enough for her to "pay her bills" then she needs to find another career because she just killed any fan base that she had.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
No. You are the one advocating we stop caring by saying we should refuse to engage and work with the current president to our detriment. NOW is the time to talk policy and see what we can get accomplished under the Trump administration for the next 4 years. There is no standing against him. He is your president whether you like it or not. Unless your proposing a revolution which I don't see anybody signing up for. It's back to work and business as usual for everyone from what I can see.
Where did I say anything about refusing to work with him?

Stop with the cac talking points :scust:


Sep 23, 2014
She's a dumb bytch. That 250k bag to her is the equivalent of 2 weeks to a months pay for her. You mean to teller she couldn't miss a few weeks pay? fukk ooh. She don't live pay check to paycheck. fukk this ho.

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
She's a dumb bytch. That 250k bag to her is the equivalent of 2 weeks to a months pay for her. You mean to teller she couldn't miss a few weeks pay? fukk ooh. She don't live pay check to paycheck. fukk this ho.
What makes you think she is making 250k in a month or two weeks?


Jun 26, 2015
chrisette is no different then any of the black female singers before her. all of you are trippin about singing for trump, you think every one billie holliday sang for love her? you think every one dionne warwick sang for love black people? miriam mekeba is south african, so you know in her country, how they felt about her, but if she wants to make a living, she has to make do. it not like black concert promoter are give this sister any work.