If her supporters were paying her bills she wouldn't have thought about doing this..can't pay your mortgage with likes
When was the last year you think shes worked a regular job?
If her supporters were paying her bills she wouldn't have thought about doing this..can't pay your mortgage with likes
She prob hasn't made that much money in years. Not saying she should have performed but her career was virtually over before this. Even her songwriting career seems dead.250,000? Nah, she a lame for this lol. She sexy but this was whack!
So basically it's ok to sell out as long as they paying youI don't blame her for getting her money but at he same time they gotta bring a bigger bag of that was me
So basically it's ok to sell out as long as they paying you
'get it gurl.. go get that paper'..
This c00n logic, never ceases to amaze me
Riiight..How is performing for the govt sellin out?
And what will that accomplish for the black community for the next 4 years? Enlighten me. If he is a racist bigot do you really think he gives a damn you or the black communities feelings towards him? You think any of these politicians really do? Dem or repub, doesnt matter.. if they really cared the black community wouldnt in be in the condition it is in.
You dont get what ask or beg for in politics. You get what you negotiate. You're more worried about being liked than respected. Thats the problem with a lot of people who think like you do. Thats why yall support racist white liberals and democrats. They figured that out a long time ago and blacks been content and blindly supporting them ever since. People don't need to like you to have respect for you and do business with you. And thats the mentality you have to have when dealing with trump. The time for complaining and protesting is over.. and the time for negotiating is almost running out..
The difference with a musical artist is that she is her own brand and her fans are not only fans of the music, but they are fans of her and what she supposedly stands for.How is performing for the govt sellin out? She is a singer paid to sing. The election is over.
Should no black business or people take govt money and contracts for the next 4 years? A lotta folks going broke and businesses shutting down if that's the case... The election is over. Are blacks in the military gonna quit now that they report to Trump?
I don't know, what does that have to do with her current financial situation?When was the last year you think shes worked a regular job?
I don't understand the outrage tbh
She getting paid to perform, not be on the dudes cabinet.
Like hov and bey tapdancing for Hilary was any worse
You proceed to say that black people need to take responsibility for ourselves and our communities. Well why doesn't it apply to the above? You say "if they really cared the black community wouldn't be in the condition it is in" as though one of these parties is gonna be negotiated into fixing things for us. What we need is people who aren't actively working against it as white supremacists. Which is what these people are.
You don't negotiate with terrorists. Which is what these people are.
You're clearly either white or one of these nu-blacks who think embracing things that are against our best interests are the key to success. Being anti-affirmative action, anti-government assistance, anti-equality laws.
On one hand, this is an actual example of "selling out". Then again, a check is a check. Let's not kid ourselves, a lot of the keyboard militants on social media would sing and dance for a $200,000+ payday. Too bad she used the "building bridges" reasoning, she should've just said she was pursuing a lucrative opportunity and kept it moving .