Didn’t say it wasn’t real. My nephew has it. I’ve been around the educational system my whole life. I’ve seen extreme autism and high “ functioning”. Add that these school districts that are majority white teachers and administrators are also diagnosing black inner city kids when they have no knowledge of their environment.
First and foremost parents will diagnose their kids just for a check. 2nd it’s big business to get everybody some type of disorder. Thats why I said take the test. Cause it could be some simple thing on there which could be explained if you go back into your history. So cause you don’t like crowds of people or shy from eye contact, because you had a traumatic experience in your childhood makes you autistic?
Some might not look you in the eye cause they may be autistic. But they also coulda been abused.
All people have quirks that they hide or apart of them that they hide or work on.
look how they was giving everybody that died corona. Hell, blue people have been linked to a genetic mutation. But to let society tell it it’s the standard of beauty.
Point is everybody has been on the spectrum at some point in their life.
I agree and disagree with you.
One, I agree with you that we have to think a whole lot more and be more careful with mental health. We also need to put into account that we as black people need to make our mental health a priority. we tend to neglect our mental health or be anti psychology. We have to overcome that way of thinking because it doesnt work. I do feel that the puzzle or bridge that people are constantly overlooking which is missing in this convo about environment and nurture is psychology-psychiatry. All these things such as how someone perceives their environment, how they are viewed in society, their family, their family history, their culture, their ancestry, and etc plays into that shyt and sadly, it hasnt been studied and is ignored by the mental health community.
The real threat that has come about with that controlled opposition of black lives matter scam game, covert operation is the whole misinformation about the whole entire issue of racism against black people is police brutality. Thats what the agents are doing. That's what black lives matter been about. Let's keep it 100. Black people don't even make up or account for all the police shootings that happen every year in America. There isn't that much black people in America to begin with. There are more white people killed in police shootings in America obviously because theres more white people.
What that misinformation about racism being about police brutality does is take all the attention away from the real issues that affect us such as systemic racism. Let's face, the psych field like all institutions in this country is racist towards black people. So obviously we gonna have to take on that shyt too. We have no choice.
Two, we have to understand that mental health like physical health, in it's own right is just as important and vital to survival. When someone's mind is not right, it can produce disastrous results not only for the person person with the fukked up mind but for anybody who is near or around this person. Mental health is basically a public health issue where the human condition is being maintained. We have to respect the human condition which is what makes us us. We have to understand that there are certain abnormalities that require intervention in order to function in this society. Autism is one of them. Believe it or not, autistic minds do think differently. They do need the intervention of a rather normal mind to help them "get it" so they can survive. They may understand but they don't get it. You know how it feels like when that sudden revelation hits in mind where you figure out something you didnt know or was trying to figure out but just couldn't.."lightbulb go off in your head". When it comes to social cues such as when someone is being sarcastic or just joking with them, they dont understand where theyll take it literally.
Now when i think about it... I have a hard time reading sarcasm or when someone is joking with me, people have had to tell me that they were joking and not being serious.
that's one of the many reasons why I'm now in the process of looking for a specialist to take that test to make sure this isn't what's been there all along getting in my way. Could be opening a can of worms or finding out something I don't want to know.