Chris Matthews Sonning Reince Preibus for Republican Race-Baiting (Video)


Jun 23, 2012
Newt Takes It to Chris Matthews on His 'Racist Thinking' | MRCTV

Newt Gingrich confronted Matthews on Hardball today and asked him why he always associates black people with welfare.

It was good to see someone call out Matthews racism.
Sucks being a lonely, inbred, obese loser who lives in Ohio....
I actually feel bad for you...what a pitiful, insecure, racist piece of sh!t u are. Obama is about to make your pathetic life even more miserable for the next 4.5 years...and I will enjoy every second of it you scum sucking , cross eyed waste of space.


May 1, 2012
Who are "they"? Romney/Ryan specifically? And who is using racial code, when people are branding anyone who even utters the words "welfare reform" as racist? America IS more dependent on govt now more than ever, because of the recession and the growing size of the elderly population. We are running a $1.3T annual deficit. Why can't we talk about that? What does that have to do with race?

So in other words, it's racist because you speculate it as such, and have no hard proof otherwise :comeon:

If we are going to make allegations of racism in the GOP there is plenty of low hanging fruit, from RP's ties to white supremacist groups to Newt Gingrich & Rush Limbaugh's outright racist statements. I don't like Romney or Ryan and think they are bad for the country, and I can lay out why very clearly w/actual examples. So I don't need to undermine my credibility by pulling the race card red herring like you and this dude are. You are using racism as a crutch in a situation where it doesn't even apply, AND where you don't even know what they are talking about. I guess any allegation of racism is good enough whether there is evidence of it or not :rolleyes:
You're a smart-dummy, meaning that you think that you're smart when you're actually not. Matthews didnt call Romney a racist and neither have I. You undermine whatever credibility you think that you have by being disingenuous, making up fake strawmen arguments. Again, nobody has said that Romney is a racist or that his welfare ads were racist, why don't you try to keep up? The point is that the republican party has an extreme racist wing of supporters and that they have played to that section of their base. Matthews simply called the guy out on it. Stop rolling your eyes sucking your teeth, and respond to Matthew's actual point.