Chinese fans angry at Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey for supporting Hong Kong

What should NBA commissioner Adam Silver do?

  • Fire Morey

    Votes: 24 12.7%
  • Publically stand behind Morey and dont be bullied

    Votes: 165 87.3%

  • Total voters


May 1, 2012
China did all that tough talk just to show the game..lmao. Cancel preseason games, nba care events, take down poster but they are not going to cancel the main game.
Nike and Adidas..... Don't get it twisted. There's a, reason Bron ain't saying shyt and Harden acting like a groupie. Same way Nike has Bron and Coach K now supporting college athletes being paid. It's in their best interest.

Always follow the money..... Always

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Remember, China doesn't have the concept of your own opinion. The only opinion us the party opinion.
This is one of those, "Knowing a little is worse than knowing nothing" examples. If they had no concept of your own opinion then how the fukk are there so many protesters?

China has more political prisoners than any other country in the world. There are 30+ million Christians in China, the majority of which practice at non-government-approved churches. There were 70 million Falun Gong practitioners at the peak. There are millions of Muslim dissenters in the west. There is enormous solidarity with the dissenters in Hong Kong. If they don't have a concept of their own opinion, then why do SO many people seem to have opinions oppositional to the government?

China doesn't care about disgruntled people, yes. This is a dictatorship that censors anything that they want whenever they want and reasons be damned. They already put themselves above the people.
China is obsessed with disgruntled people. The party has a giant internal project that has been running for decades to understand why other communist regimes failed and how they lost the support of the people. They are constantly trying to crack down on any dissenters they find and are absolutely paranoid about revolutionary ideas growing. The entire opening of the economy was in small part to fill the pockets of party members but over time has become primarily intended to pacify the people. There is more than one person from the southern provinces who has told me that economic growth is the only thing holding back separatist movements there, and the government well knows this and is very concerned with maintaining economic growth and scared of what could happen under extended recession.

I never said there wouldn't be protests but if you think Chinese citizenry will pick the NBA over their own government.
Then please elaborate on this point...
I never said they would pick the NBA over their government. I am referring to the enormous numbers of Chinese people who are already disgruntled with their government.

The tweet was withdrawn and Adam Silver has flown to Shanghai. Nobody is shook.
They made all those moves AFTER the tweet was withdrawn, so clearly that is not the point of contention. They made demands AFTER the quote was withdrawn that have explicitly not been met. They played their hand and have not received the result they hoped for, and now they're caught.

Chinese government has banned youtube, facebook and twitter for more than a decade, instagram and google and pornhub/xvideos for 5 years, and banned reddit, twitch and wikipedia earlier this year

but not having NBA supposed to have them shook ? :dahell:
Actually yeah, folk are a lot more passionate about sports than they are about websites. People die over sports fandom all the time, and like I said there have been literal revolutions over the government shutting down sports. And China created substitutes for Facebook and Google and similar sites that they blocked, but what real substitute do they have for watching Russ Westbrook and LeBron James play basketball?

But there's no need to compare them anyway. I don't think that anyone is going to become an NBA-revolutionary. The issues are cumulative, they don't compete with each other they add to each other. In the west, in the north, in the south, in Hong Kong, there is major dissenting fervor on practically every border and among nearly every minority group. Every action the government takes that affects the population at large (as opposed to merely affecting those who already revolting) runs the danger of pushing people's resolve further in solidarity with the dissenters.


Jan 7, 2013
China is obsessed with disgruntled people. The party has a giant internal project that has been running for decades to understand why other communist regimes failed and how they lost the support of the people. They are constantly trying to crack down on any dissenters they find and are absolutely paranoid about revolutionary ideas growing. The entire opening of the economy was in small part to fill the pockets of party members but over time has become primarily intended to pacify the people. There is more than one person from the southern provinces who has told me that economic growth is the only thing holding back separatist movements there, and the government well knows this and is very concerned with maintaining economic growth and scared of what could happen under extended recession.

It's the social contract based on absolutism with confucian values. So far the CCP has lifted 750 million+ people out of poverty
in record time. As part of this contract they are obligated to continue growth just as the citizenry upholds its end. They aren't
"obsessed" or "scared" they are sticking to terms of the social contract.

I never said they would pick the NBA over their government. I am referring to the enormous numbers of Chinese people who are already disgruntled with their government.

Oh really ? How disgruntled do you think they are with western sinophobia right now ?


May 15, 2014
Nike and Adidas..... Don't get it twisted. There's a, reason Bron ain't saying shyt and Harden acting like a groupie. Same way Nike has Bron and Coach K now supporting college athletes being paid. It's in their best interest.

Always follow the money..... Always

Actually the league pulled the plug on the nets and lakers press conference before the games. And pulled the plug on the post game press conference.

Their goal is to play the game and get the hell out of dodge.


May 15, 2014
I see the most outspoken people in the NBA are quiet now:mjpls:

Breh its bigger than some tweet.

You got the US and china in a hotly contested trade war. Not to mention the shyt that popped off with the US and Canada with Huawei. China throwing their weight around on this matter because compared to those other issues the NBA is a small fry to them.

Between the us and russia and the us and china we are in a type of new millennium cold war.

Even politicians who are trained in dealing with international politics have to watch their step. This just ain't the place or the time for some coach or athlete to pop off at the mouth. Especially for folks on the internet who ain't got shyt to lose.
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May 15, 2014
China did all that tough talk just to show the game..lmao. Cancel preseason games, nba care events, take down poster but they are not going to cancel the main game.

Breh the Chinese are communist who love money and western products. So much so some of their most popular products are western products. Case in point the number one automobile sold in china is a buick.

They literally and I mean literally have every major US and Europe company in their country making products and sending those products back to the US and Europe to sell or selling there in china.

I work in china and they are as much hypocrites as the western world.

We are essential to their economy because no american or european more jobs for chiness folks.

Don't ever forget that china offered to help the US out in 2008 because so many US companies were pulling jobs out of china or reducing production. Which meant it crippled china's economy. If americans aint buying all them phones, trinkets, bull shyt electronics, toys and clothes that means china is losing money and their economy is tanking.

China need us as much as we need them. They need us buying and making shyt there and our companies need them for cheap labor rates. So the shyt you buy at walmart can continue to be cheap and you can have 5 tvs and 5 cell phones in your house hold.
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May 1, 2012
Actually the league pulled the plug on the nets and lakers press conference before the games. And pulled the plug on the post game press conference.

Their goal is to play the game and get the hell out of dodge.
Was speaking in reference why you won't hear shyt from any major shoe company athlete shyttin on China.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
What do they say? And if it’s you who was there what do you say?
China's government's goal is the same as it ever was, to be the "Middle Kingdom". They will never stop in this endeavor and even if their people lose what we consider to be "human rights", it doesn't matter because in the end, it's their people over anyone else's.

This is what was told to me by the person who is old enough to have lived in pre-Communist Reformation China, before "The Great Leap" forward.

This kind of stupidity might sound especially appealing to the faux black militants (aka smart dumb nikkas and CACs pretending to be Black) that seem to have infested this site since around 2016, except there's that small little teensy aspect where the Chinese government don't value the lives or rights of non-Chinese people. And what the Chinese government says is law. So their endgame does not include YOU, it does not include some mythical Wakanda-like fantasy world where America and the white man falls but somehow, Black people survive and live in harmony with communist China :mjlol:

This doesn't mean that Chinese people are racist per se. For example, if you were to travel to Guilin as a Black person, you might get met with strange looks. A little Chinese girl might even rub your hand or touch your skin. This is because it's more than likely that they've never seen a person with dark skin before and some of them might legit think you're made of chocolate or something. To an uncultured person that might seem offensive but to someone who understands that the world is bigger than their block or a YouTube charlatans channel, it is an eye opening experience.

No, much of that country is NOT advanced (I don't know who the fukk said that dumb shyt earlier but it's cap), and they are actually very much behind the times in terms of knowing what is going on outside of China, let alone many of the amenities and comforts that we enjoy here in the states or the Western World in general. A lot of places in Western China are NOW getting cellphones let alone computers and shyt.

As for the younger generation, I went to grad school with a lot of Chinese students and still sometimes chit chat with them from time to time but it's mostly just strictly business type shyt. They are well aware that the Chinese government lies (ex. Tienanmen Square) but again, and I cannot stress this enough, OPEN CRITICISM OF THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMPRISONMENT AND/OR ARREST. So yeah, they know this but guess what? Those students are here to study, obtain a degree, and perhaps a better life.

Furthermore, if your government dictates what you think, it's in your best interest to say and think what they say you should. Again, something the Smart Dumb nikkas of the Coli might use as a rallying point (dur dur 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc.) but you see Smart Dumb nikkas are notorious for surface level thinking, so they neglect to use the few brain cells that they have in order to consider that I'm on a computer right now in another thread criticizing the US govt as well as Donald Trump and NOTHING will happen to me.

No Military Police are coming to my job, no one will accost my family or take them away, no one will seize my shyt, nothing will happen to me, because it's my right as an American to say whatever I want about my government, even if it's not true, and even if I can't prove it.

Now consider that last point I made and consider that we have actual footage of Donald Trumps inauguration where he clearly didn't have as many people in attendance as Barrack Obamas but insists that he did, and even had his Press Secretary say that he did and followed it up with a defense that included "Alternative Facts". Here in America that shyt is a joke. We all know that it's not true and even the GOP won't openly say it but that's because they don't want to lose their jobs. Not because they fear he'll have them arrested and sent to a Reeducation Through Hard Labor Camp, or executed for "treason".

In China there are no "Alternative Facts". If the Chinese government said something happened, it happened. If they say it didn't happen, it didn't happen.

9/11 was for OIL

The Russian government meddled in the 2016 elections

Donald Trump is a moron who graduated nowhere NEAR the top of his class at U Penn

Nothing will happen to me. Nothing will happen to you for reading this. Nothing.

The Coli posters who think I'm cappin should humor us all and fly to Beijing, and wear a T-Shirt that shows a side by side comparison of Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh and tell us what happens.

It's not 1984...not yet...but that whole freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion (lol religion in China :mjlol:) thing is for the Western World and its allies. Not for China.

Juggalo Fred

Juggalo and horrorcore enthusiast
Sep 15, 2014
Juggalo island
Wizards are ejecting fans now too. In Washington DC...Silver needs to pick a side and stick with it before he loses both markets.


May 17, 2012
the internet
Crazy part is clay travis won't even call out his racist president.

These demons so jealous of black folks. This is really all about they pissed cause lebron and other black athletes speak on issues. So they are like ok uppity kneegrow I dare you speak on this incident...when we all know they only want them to speak on it so that they get blow back.
its not really that...
...this situation just shows how people are full of shyt.

They only "care" about issues that help them...
...its not about the betterment of people.

I may not agree w/ @ExodusNirvana on if employees of a company should speak on social issues...but at least he's consistant on his shyt.

Most of yall on here just want to bytch and moan because of your short comings in you call white people Cacs and live vicariously through these athletes.

If Lebron can speak on shyt about the lightweight racism in America...he can damn sure speak on the real shyt going on over in China and how he's profiting off of it just like the white folks he criticizes.