What do they say? And if it’s you who was there what do you say?
China's government's goal is the same as it ever was, to be the "Middle Kingdom". They will never stop in this endeavor and even if their people lose what we consider to be "human rights", it doesn't matter because in the end, it's their people over anyone else's.
This is what was told to me by the person who is old enough to have lived in pre-Communist Reformation China, before "The Great Leap" forward.
This kind of stupidity might sound especially appealing to the faux black militants (aka smart dumb nikkas and CACs pretending to be Black) that seem to have infested this site since around 2016, except there's that small little teensy aspect where the Chinese government don't value the lives or rights of non-Chinese people. And what the Chinese government says is law. So their endgame does not include YOU, it does not include some mythical Wakanda-like fantasy world where America and the white man falls but somehow, Black people survive and live in harmony with communist China
This doesn't mean that Chinese people are racist per se. For example, if you were to travel to Guilin as a Black person, you might get met with strange looks. A little Chinese girl might even rub your hand or touch your skin. This is because it's more than likely that they've never seen a person with dark skin before and some of them might legit think you're made of chocolate or something. To an uncultured person that might seem offensive but to someone who understands that the world is bigger than their block or a YouTube charlatans channel, it is an eye opening experience.
No, much of that country is NOT advanced (I don't know who the fukk said that dumb shyt earlier but it's cap), and they are actually very much behind the times in terms of knowing what is going on outside of China, let alone many of the amenities and comforts that we enjoy here in the states or the Western World in general. A lot of places in Western China are NOW getting cellphones let alone computers and shyt.
As for the younger generation, I went to grad school with a lot of Chinese students and still sometimes chit chat with them from time to time but it's mostly just strictly business type shyt. They are well aware that the Chinese government lies (ex. Tienanmen Square) but again, and I cannot stress this enough,
OPEN CRITICISM OF THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMPRISONMENT AND/OR ARREST. So yeah, they know this but guess what? Those students are here to study, obtain a degree, and perhaps a better life.
Furthermore, if your government dictates what you think, it's in your best interest to say and think what they say you should. Again, something the Smart Dumb nikkas of the Coli might use as a rallying point (dur dur 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc.) but you see Smart Dumb nikkas are notorious for surface level thinking, so they neglect to use the few brain cells that they have in order to consider that I'm on a computer right now in another thread criticizing the US govt as well as Donald Trump and NOTHING will happen to me.
No Military Police are coming to my job, no one will accost my family or take them away, no one will seize my shyt, nothing will happen to me, because it's my right as an American to say whatever I want about my government, even if it's not true, and even if I can't prove it.
Now consider that last point I made and consider that we have actual footage of Donald Trumps inauguration where he clearly didn't have as many people in attendance as Barrack Obamas but insists that he did, and even had his Press Secretary say that he did and followed it up with a defense that included "Alternative Facts". Here in America that shyt is a joke. We all know that it's not true and even the GOP won't openly say it but that's because they don't want to lose their jobs. Not because they fear he'll have them arrested and sent to a Reeducation Through Hard Labor Camp, or executed for "treason".
In China there are no "Alternative Facts". If the Chinese government said something happened, it happened. If they say it didn't happen, it didn't happen.
9/11 was for OIL
The Russian government meddled in the 2016 elections
Donald Trump is a moron who graduated nowhere NEAR the top of his class at U Penn
Nothing will happen to me. Nothing will happen to you for reading this. Nothing.
The Coli posters who think I'm cappin should humor us all and fly to Beijing, and wear a T-Shirt that shows a side by side comparison of Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh and tell us what happens.
It's not 1984...not yet...but that whole freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion (lol religion in China

) thing is for the Western World and its allies. Not for China.