..did you read the series of tweets after that at all? How is comparing China to Nazi Germany out of the question? They're two nations built by humans aren't they?
Ask the vietnamese, phillipine, malaysian, Indonesian, Taiwanese, etc militaries how they feel about China stealing resources out of sea they are legally control, and having bases built in them. This isn't like what the US or Russia at all, they pay
countries to host their bases and they even boost the local economies. China literally just built islands in the middle of a sea, killing entire coral reefs which are already decimated by climate change, and is STEALING money and resources in the long run from their neighbors
There is no country on Earth buying up as much overseas property as the Chinese breh.
..there is video of these camps and Uyghur testimonies
. How big they are is another question, but undoubtibly they exist, and people are being imprisoned for not sucking Xi off.
Every government in the entire world has their hands in some fukk shyt breh, fact of life. Everywhere there is power, it's at someone expense. Sad fact, the sooner you realize, the better.
But then again you're defending a country that literally banned winnie the pooh from their internet because people say they look like their Dictator for life
People don't want to be part of a Communist dictatorship and I support that
. People want the ability to say and do what they want within reason.
This the first time Ive seen someone admit to living by the strawhat argument method lmfao. You'd get laughed out most peoples rooms breh