Chief Keef said he's gonna smack Lupe.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
1. These kids don't care about Dr. Dre much less Kanye's opinion on Chief Keef, he was already burning up the internet before Kanye hopped on his beat
and before he was signed,he already had MILLIONS of views.
And hundreds of thousands of mixtape downloads, if anything this shows that the public WANTS chief keef's music, it isn't being forced on them
or marketed to them.

im not sure what that has to do with what i am saying, i said that dr. dre, jay-z and kanye west were promoting chief keef and the prison industrial complex, and i showed evidence that they are promoting him

keef getting hits on youtube doesnt negate what i am saying becuase my point is that any black adult that looks at 'dont like' and starts promoting it is irresponsible, if keef got 250 million hits that would still make jay-z, dre, and kanye irresponsible black adults

but that being said you can look at the statistics of a couple of videos by clicking on the icon with the bar graphs next to the number of views [ame=]CHIEF KEEF - 3HUNNA - YouTube[/ame] [ame=]Chief Keef - I Don't Like (feat.) Lil Reese (Explicit) - YouTube[/ame] and it can clearly be seen that there was an inflection around may 2012 right after kanye announce his remix Kanye West Reveals Cover Art for "I Don't Like (Remix)" with Chief Keef | Vibe in late april

so 1) its bogus to say that youtube hits are a counterpoint to my assertion that dr dre, kanye and jay-z are irresponsible for promoting chief keef

and 2) its clearly a lie that chief keef rose on his own, kanye west is clearly responsible for the vast majority of hits because the inflection point can clearly be seen in the graph of youtube hits

2. My post wasn't referring to the bolded/what is quoted above but was actually referring to you saying kids are encourged to be hoodlums and thus willing participants in the prison business by chief keefs music.
When that clearly isn't the case, because chicago has been struggling with a gang problem for years.

the fact that chicago had a gang problem before doesnt mean that chief keef is not promoting the prison industrial complex

what kind of retarded logic are you using?

3. I won't be replying should you reply to this post, just figured I'd point that it's pretty absurd to say Chief Keefs music fuels and promotes the prison industry.

you wont reply because your argument is very thin, non factual and dis-attached from reality, and its gotten exposed wide open by recent events