And the Simp Award for Big Ass Simp of the Year goes to
Nikka if you don’t stop playing..
Why are you on her: because she runs you and the situation
SHE follows you
SHE facetimes you
SHE sends nudes
SHE says you can’t hit
SHE talk about bullshyt and wastes time
Where are you in all this? On stand by like an Xbox cause in your warped view of life this whore is a price.
“Other nikkaz might hit it”. Breh.
Other nikkaz are fukking her OR will fukk her.
Wake up.
A bish you barely know sends nudes BUT won’t let you hit.
You’re dealing with an attentionw hore who is planting her seeds with mad dudes by hanging out and sending nudes.
How do you treat like this?
Like you COULDN’T GIVE A FUKK less.
She sends nudes, you reply about the Lakers and say “stop sending these please thanks”.
She hangs around, you say “yo I gotta jet, I got a date”
Nobody wants someone who believes nobodt wants them. Act like she is your last option. Fake it if you have to.
You are taking a massive L even asking this shyt, she’s a nobody breh.
No more FaceTime, because you say you’ve got company. Get it?
This’ll make her realize shyt is different: so she’ll then cherish the 1 hour you grant her and let you hit OR she’ll disappear and fukk another dude > in any case you win and you don’t look like a mega simp.
Take control.
Stop being a bytch.
Be a man.