Its not black on black crime its poor, uneducated people killing each other. This is why we as a people keep getting trapped when we say black on black crime because then you lump all blacks into one category and not solve the real problems. When dealing with Chicago you have to deal with the history of blacks and the city or certain sections. A lot of blacks in chicago came from the rural south and went upnorth for industrial jobs and when they closed down these uneducated people had no jobs but they still had old ways of rural thinking like a lot of drinking, smoking, and not stressing education. These traits grew as time went on and no extra jobs were created and this is why these areas are worse even though chicago is the safest it has been in decades.
The blacks who had jobs and stressed education left Chicago in high numbers to go to the suburbs or just are scattered around the city. What needs to change is households need to stress education and most Importantly the mothers need to stop making it hard for fathers to do their job. People tend to forget a lot of single households is not because the father left but because the mother is too argumentative and hold the kids back from seeing the father. They also keep any man away to be involved in the kids life if she doesn't like to hear what he's saying. A lot of women are selfish and don't like to hear a man teach a little boy things of manhood because she doesn't like it, not because of the child. I seen it firsthand. Things like talking stern to the child, not letting the child have his way, be disciplined, and other things associated with manhood(really its just good character) are not allowed to be taught to the child because I think women want to do that and be the boss. This is the little secret no one wants to talk about in the black community and now its hitting most of the u.s.a. in order to be a community we need both people to play their part not have everything one sided like it is now.
Speaking of Chicago crime, check this out:
"As those neighborhoods' crime rates become ever more extreme compared to the rest
of the city's, people who can leave are increasingly doing so. Chicago lost 200,000
people during the 2000s, a large portion of whom were members of the black middle class."