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Sep 2, 2014
the point is dems have not wanted to deal with this issue for decades.

and to make matters worse a large contingent of Dems basically want open borders.

its only now only an issue because they are in Dem cities and the people arent happy.

It doesnt matter if Lightfoot gave those folks the green light...
Johnson would have done the same because they are playing along with what the Democratic party wants.

youre framing what the border states are doing as a "stunt" but they are jam packed with people...
and again Dems have not wanted to deal with it...
I guess you could call that a Democrat stunt.

We've had all these years to figure out what to do with these people and when they come to NYC/Chicago nobody can get an answer!?
Now you are speaking in odd generalities. Could Republicans not have solved it? They had all the juice 4 years ago. Both parties haven't done anything about it for varying reasons, not the least of which its easier to ignore it and do patchwork solutions ala executive orders. If you are ready to go down the senate/ rabbit hole, you can see the history of bills and why them shyts have not moved. And thats assuming if they do reform the law, its in a way you like.

Its always been an issue, but border states get funding and federal infrastructure that a midwest state does not get. I continue to reiterate this point and its like its ignored repeatedly. Deportations have begun again and the only difference between now and the past is that this strategy, sending them to Blue cities, seems to work because the blame only goes one way as evidenced in this convo.

Lightfoot was hot off of a pandemic and didn't know what to do. Johnson doesn't know what to do. It's their jobs to figure it out, and I don't pretend that I would know day 1 or day 100 what to do. I can only sit and yell at my representatives.

There you are speaking in generalities again. I said TEXAS. I post links, and speak facts. Its one governor, Greg Abbott, and its a stunt. What is it they need to deal with?

Last point, "all these years" means little. This problem is represents a failure in Venezuela, hence their people fleeing. Title 42 ended when the pandemic officially "lifted" which ended sight-unseen "everybody gtfo" deportations that Trump used from a 1944 law in the case of health emergencies. Lawfully these people are being processed in Texas and sent around the country awaiting their cases getting taken up. As I mentioned multiple times before, ICE has 21 facilities in Texas, the most in the USA, and Biden has implemented rules about where and what they have to do before coming to the USA, but that does little for the ones already at the border for the time being. So to sum it up, Abbott gets to win political points and everybody gets mad at Democrats for not knowing how to deal with an issue that does not normally come to their cities. Asylum has been a thing for decades. It's the power-play that is new, hence Democratic mayors asking the federal government for the same funding the border states would get to help with the issue.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
Yes, he is. What are we asking this for?

Then why can’t these posters do the same? Why can’t they believe this is planned against them? You keep saying there is no plan. Then why is there contracts for services and future plans to provide even more services? Who PLANNED the job fair? Who PLANNED the tent housing they are going to build.

Here is Brandon Johnson plan. It was released before he won.

He talks about building permanent housing for asylum seekers.

Let’s stop saying there is no plan.


Sep 2, 2014
Then why can’t these posters do the same? Why can’t they believe this is planned against them? You keep saying there is no plan. Then why is there contracts for services and future plans to provide even more services? Who PLANNED the job fair? Who PLANNED the tent housing they are going to build.

Here is Brandon Johnson plan. It was released before he won.

He talks about building permanent housing for asylum seekers.

Let’s stop saying there is no plan.
:why:Bruh, you have videos in here with citizens flabberghasted the migrant considerations amount to tent cities in their neighborhoods. Thats not a plan, thats a response, and a poor one. Did you read that link? I'm sure you are aware of the concept of tangibles, and with regards to migrants/asylum seekers/immigrants, its boilerplate as can be:

  • Revamp and retool the failing Office of New Americans into the Office of Migrant Protection and Integration to coordinate efforts to support migrant families between the mayor’s office, City Council and other city agencies.
  • Adequately staff the Office of Migrant Protection and Integration with culturally competent bilingual/multilingual staff to coordinate between governmental agencies, conduct outreach designed to adapt city programs, benefits and services to the needs of migrants, and advise on the legal service needs of migrants and English Language Learners.
  • Increase dedicated funding to immigrant protection and integration, including the Immigrant Legal Protection Fund.
  • Leverage the collective braintrust of community groups, leaders, multiple city agencies to develop a comprehensive city plan for asylum seekers and other new arrivals.
  • Build multilingual infrastructure for language access within every city agency, with a real enforcement process.
  • Ensure law enforcement does not cooperate with ICE to arrest, detain or deport our migrant neighbors.
  • End the use of all gang databases that punish Black and Brown communities without the right to due process.
  • Strengthen Chicago’s CityKey program with sensitivity around immigration status, and fully resource services that support displaced immigrants arriving in our city.
  • Ensure CPD officers do not discriminate against people with special driver’s licenses, CityKey or consular IDs, and advocate for statewide policy that would not require separate driver's licenses for undocumented residents.
  • Ensure that equity, language access and non-discrimination are at the heart of services and benefits.
  • Stop the practice of the Chicago Police Department denying hundreds of U visa certification and T visa declaration requests submitted by crime victims, and ensure that undocumented crime victims are heard and are able to continue their processes to become citizens without delay.
  • Provide rental assistance or other semi-permanent housing for all, provided by the City.
  • Build permanent housing for all unhoused, including asylum seekers, by passing the Bring Chicago Home ordinance and enacting other pieces of the $1 billion Better Chicago Agenda.
  • Protect Chicago’s working families – including our migrant heritage communities – from displacement due to large-scale gentrification by forming partnerships with community land trusts, non-profit and mission-driven developers, and small landlords in communities threatened by gentrification-driven displacement.
Where does this mention a job fair? First, of course they will support migrants, they are ALREADY HERE!

The first job fair that was held at Misericordia Home, a catholic charity about 4 miles from my home,

It was hosted by a non-profit staffing agency:beli:that does this across the USA:beli:

Created by an Afghan refugee

NOT Chicago Democrats trying to screw their constituents, a North Side catholic charity hosting a non-profits 1-day job fair.:beli:

As for permanent housing, it is literally apart of an already ongoing initiative named Bring Chicago Home, a campaign launched in 2018.

None of this is new, none of this is some scheme, and I wonder, where in Chicago do you live? Or are you even here?

One concession, the tent plan is not only dumb, but possibly some funny style shyt.

Same company who does messed up things elsewhere, including moving migrants from Florida at the behest of DeSantis, is being hired for this and its in a fukked up area of Chicago.

It's made worse because they have to trust that it won't compromise a housing development named the Morgan Park Commons that would be a huge boon for the area. Its already staked out in the budget so it should happen, but naturally them folks don't trust that he can't be standing there like :yeshrug:in a couple years if they can't/won't break ground. He is rightfully getting shyt for it, so we will see. If he start doing bummy contracts, he will be just like Rahm Emmanuel and Daley for some of the shyt they pulled.


Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
:why:Bruh, you have videos in here with citizens flabberghasted the migrant considerations amount to tent cities in their neighborhoods. Thats not a plan, thats a response, and a poor one. Did you read that link? I'm sure you are aware of the concept of tangibles, and with regards to migrants/asylum seekers/immigrants, its boilerplate as can be:

Where does this mention a job fair? First, of course they will support migrants, they are ALREADY HERE!

The first job fair that was held at Misericordia Home, a catholic charity about 4 miles from my home,

It was hosted by a non-profit staffing agency:beli:that does this across the USA:beli:

Created by an Afghan refugee

NOT Chicago Democrats trying to screw their constituents, a North Side catholic charity hosting a non-profits 1-day job fair.:beli:

As for permanent housing, it is literally apart of an already ongoing initiative named Bring Chicago Home, a campaign launched in 2018.

None of this is new, none of this is some scheme, and I wonder, where in Chicago do you live? Or are you even here?

One concession, the tent plan is not only dumb, but possibly some funny style shyt.

Same company who does messed up things elsewhere, including moving migrants from Florida at the behest of DeSantis, is being hired for this and its in a fukked up area of Chicago.

It's made worse because they have to trust that it won't compromise a housing development named the Morgan Park Commons that would be a huge boon for the area. Its already staked out in the budget so it should happen, but naturally them folks don't trust that he can't be standing there like :yeshrug:in a couple years if they can't/won't break ground. He is rightfully getting shyt for it, so we will see. If he start doing bummy contracts, he will be just like Rahm Emmanuel and Daley for some of the shyt they pulled.

You just listing all these plans trying to tell me there’s no plan. :jbhmm:

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A new federal pilot program could help ease shelter overcrowding, by allowing migrants to earn money and pay rent.

Starting Thursday, 150 migrants a day can apply for work authorizations.

It's a partnership between the federal, state, and city governments to speed up the process to get permits.

It usually takes months.

There will be volunteers from social service agencies and legal providers, to help migrants navigate the immigration system.

The plan to build a migrant tent camp in a vacant former grocery store is moving forward.

Federal, state, city officials all have come together for this plan.. :jbhmm:

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
The job fair had nothing to do with the city

Ok.. they didn’t plan the job fair..all the elected democrat officials just teamed up to ask Biden to help the migrants work faster



Sep 2, 2014
You just listing all these plans trying to tell me there’s no plan. :jbhmm:
Its absolutely nothing tangible. Its like saying “I will do what’s best for my kids.” Its nebulous politician speak, and for those of us who live here, tents outside of police stations and warming busses at night does not inspire confidence that there was a plan.

I see that I can post all kinds of facts and its clearly not getting through so best of luck to you and the handful of posters who keep upping this thread.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A new federal pilot program could help ease shelter overcrowding, by allowing migrants to earn money and pay rent.

Starting Thursday, 150 migrants a day can apply for work authorizations.

It's a partnership between the federal, state, and city governments to speed up the process to get permits.

It usually takes months.

There will be volunteers from social service agencies and legal providers, to help migrants navigate the immigration system.

The plan to build a migrant tent camp in a vacant former grocery store is moving forward.

Federal, state, city officials all have come together for this plan.. :jbhmm:

they out here leapfrogging the chronically unemployed young black men of the city for jobs :francis:

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
they out here leapfrogging the chronically unemployed young black men of the city for jobs :francis:

This is what I’m trying to get @At30wecashout to understand.

This is why people assume there has to be some conspiracy. The government all of sudden can mobilize people to help and spend millions on services. While they allowed homeless men and women to sleep on the redline for years.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
Its absolutely nothing tangible. Its like saying “I will do what’s best for my kids.” Its nebulous politician speak, and for those of us who live here, tents outside of police stations and warming busses at night does not inspire confidence that there was a plan.

I see that I can post all kinds of facts and its clearly not getting through so best of luck to you and the handful of posters who keep upping this thread.

You don’t set aside $150,000,000 from a future budget for something that’s not tangible.


May 17, 2012
the internet
im not going to say there is a conspiracy...
but dont underestimate how incompetent government can be

the democratic party has several factions that will soon be fighting each other.

you have a growing contingent that basically want open borders (semi affluent whites and Hispanics)...
and then you have black people, some Mexicans and lower middle class white people.

the national party is going with the white folks and Hispanics...
black people are learning they arent apart of that plan

they are getting rid of any black face that isnt going along with the plans


Sep 2, 2014
This is what I’m trying to get @At30wecashout to understand.

This is why people assume there has to be some conspiracy. The government all of sudden can mobilize people to help and spend millions on services. While they allowed homeless men and women to sleep on the redline for years.
Do you want me to post links to the programs in progress for the homeless men and women? Im trying to understand what is the question here. Currently migrants are sitting around doing nothing and eating up resources. Put them to work and won’t be completely dependent on current city resources meant for residents. Please answer with an alternative. Name an issue in Chicago and I can name foundations, charities, government entities (some if which my organization works with) that work toward that goal.
You don’t set aside $150,000,000 from a future budget for something that’s not tangible.
Link please. We typing all this stuff and need context like the “government sponsored job fair” we just talked about.
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