Bruh you are a weirdo, and there are a lot of opinionated people in here spitting half truths from...not Chicago. Quote what I said that started this lil tantrum and lets get to the nitty gritty. Also, why should I not dislike, or hate as you say, a party thats full of not suspected but confirmed white supremacists?
1. Yes, foreign policy is part of it. Since Nicholas Maduro got into power in 2013 as VP/President, USA didn't really rock with him and recognized the National Assembly, who's President is second to Maduro, as the democratically elected governing party of Venezuela. They beefed with him right away, pretty much.
More information is available on the Venezuela Country Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet. U.S.-VENEZUELA RELATIONS Venezuela gained its independence from Spain by 1819 as part of the Republic of Colombia and separated from...
The United States supports the Venezuelan people in their desire for a peaceful restoration of democracy through free and fair elections and will continue to support Venezuela’s democratic opposition.
TL:DR Maduro is a fukkup and the USA been peacing him out since nearly day one. Their country started falling apart and Venezualans contrary to popular belief have scattered all over North America, not just the United States, but they are now on our heads because Title 42 ended, which bleeds into National Policy.
2. For national policy, immigation and asylum reform (different things) has not been taken seriously by any administration and by extension congressional body in decades. Title 42 basically allowed in a health emergency to detain anyone who crosses the border and summarily bounce them while there is a national emergency which Covid was. Title 42 is a provision of the 1944 Public Health and Services law.
Long story short, Trump was booting millions of people for any and all reasons under that provision and the practice ended in May of this year. From there, we went back to Title 8 which has due process and allows folks to come to the USA and be processed for their asylum claims. If deemed invalid, they too get the boot, but they at least get processed. They are being processed in Texas...and being sent to Chicago. They are here legally. Unfortunately, while we talk about "who runs the feds", they need law reforms to deal with this issue, and laws are only signed by the President, as they have to originate in Congress. Until congress gets right, the President has to operate according to laws as it is.
3. Venezuelan sanctions are also a part of why it is falling apart, outside of corruption. We were not able to deport Venezuelans due to not having an agreement with them until recently, as countries don't just get people dropped off at airports. There is a formal process countries have to agree to, and lifting some sanctions allowed us to resume deportations. Since we are Republican friendly, I will even just use a Fox News source:
The Department of Homeland Security announced plans to resume sending Venezuelan immigrants in the U.S. illegally back to Venezuela, after an agreement with the country.
In exchange for sanctions lifting and a "promise" to return to democratic elections in 2024, so deportations have been going on since October.
The number of Venezuelans crossing the U.S.-Mexico border unlawfully dropped by 46% in October, when the Biden administration started deportations to Venezuela.
So slowly but surely, that part is working out.
So as for who is in control of the policy, what policy are you talking about? Yes, blame the Federal Government (Executive and Legislative, though primarily the latter) for this issue. They need to reform asylum and immigration law, especially as countries are going to be going through it with climate change crushing the buildings. And as for blaming Texas: did Venezuelans cross the border of Mexico into Chicago?
No, the crossed into a border state, Texas, that receives federal funding and has detention centers in its state, 21 in fact, while Illinois has none
Migrants may have a choice where to go, but some have reported they were mislead about where they were going, so its a mixed bag, but these lawfully processed asylum seekers are being sent around as a political tool,
Right from his website. So yes, the migrant crisis is a federal issue. The fact that they are in Chicago is a Texas Republican Governor issue. Texas is 1116 miles from Chicago. They were sent here.