thats the basis of your argument. You said he was asking for it because he was carrying a knife, high on PCP. In that case, based on your argument, anyone high on PCP carrying a knife should be shot and killed. Which we know is hardly the case. You can go on YouTube and look for cop takedowns of armed suspects since cops isn't good enough for you, even though it showcases the exact individuals you described (knife wielding drug users).
You're right though, this was a chaotic event, a guy walking away from police with a knife in his hand. Must be a lot more chaotic than a mass murderer sitting in his car after shooting up a movie theater, or more chaotic than a car chase with a mass murderer who just got done shooting up a church.
I've already spent too much time on your obvious trolling.
I'm not trying to antagonize you, I'm just honestly confused about how "expecting" something to happen becomes me saying "should" happen when that's not what i'm saying at all.
I'm not saying he should be killed, I'm just saying, the odds are in this situation if you're wielding a knife at that range at you're not complying with police, you're probably going to be killed. He has a knife and he's fairly close to them and he already acted unstable and violent that same night.
THey don't have tazers. The cop freaked out and panicked.
A knife at close range is the most dangerous weapon imaginable.
What should happen and what actually happens are two different things.
The context in which I use the word chaotic implies randomness. These are not television shows where producers opt to use certain footage or your cherry-picked examples. No, guess what, a lot of the time people do not even bother with tazers,they shoot them. THere are plenty of killings of this nature on liveleak if you wanna look them up. Whites, blacks, mexicans, cops kill everyone. I'm not going to bother cherrypicking those because cherrypicking is pointless. Go look'em up if you give a fukk. Or don't.
And yeah, when you have a predominantly white plice forces policing predominantly black communities ravaged by drugs, lack of education, and social engineering, yeah, you're gonna have events like these: white cops killing black citizens.
And then you bring up two staged shootings, the latter of which was clearly used to fuel a race war just like this video is being used to do.