Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Without a strong police presence on the street in areas of high crime, new books in schools will not suffice.
Not in Chicago. They just shut down 48(?) inner city schools. Now kids will have to bus to neighborhoods and go to schools with their rivals. It's a really terrible dynamic. Next year will probably be the worst for Chicago youth violence in it's history. The administration seems to think it won't be all that big of a deal on one side(higher level city politicians), and the other side (School staff, aldermen) is truly afraid of what's going to happen.
Great, now I gotta worry about another George Zimmerman hot head. Chicago is actually pretty safe if your not involved in gangs/drugs.
well damn. So basically nothing can be done and kids in Chi would be better off not leaving the house and being home schooled.
live by the gun die by the gun
next time a zimmerman type of person plots on a youth they will think twice definantly
Not really. Every other state in America has some type of gun carrying allowed. Whether it's concealed or open. Zimmerman is not a result of the law. He's an irresponsible, racist, gun owner. It doesn't happen very often.
Why are you putting words in my mouth though
I feel like all guns should be illegal. For everyone. Except for a musket. If you can prove you can properly handle the responsibility of owning a musket, you can own one. That goes for everybody. Military included.