The American people at large would not allow it,
Even though them little nigglets need to get humbled.
Even though them little nigglets need to get humbled.
Why do it now? Crime isn't even that high compared to decades ago. Plus having the military out in the streets will turn law-abiding citizens against the government.
Hol up
U coli nikkas are on one 2nite bol
U want the military in a city with over 2 million residents with murders only at 500
Holla at me when u wanna talk about how il got the most corrupt government in the country,closed down half of the city's pubic middle schools for so called "budget cuts,", yet got 300 million to build a new basketball court. Holla at me when u want to address the high unemlpoyment rate in my city, breh
Nah man. Cuz what if them lil nikkas get to Shootin back?
They need to open more boys and girls clubs and big brother programs. Or shyt better yet, Father Programs