White people don't live in highly populated ghettos in Amerikkka. . . . ANYMORE. When they did, they produced people like um, Capone, Gotti, Gambino, etc. . .
The first 200 years of Amerikkkan history is Whites in New York City and Chicago killing each other. It's not until they left the ghettos to us did WE start killing each other.
Funny, most of us come from the South because of slavery, yet you never hear about post-slavery Black Americans being terribly violent and killing each other in record numbers UNTIL we came up north and inherited the White man's ghettos.
No they aren't.
White people don't live in huge ghettos in Amerikkka anymore. They don't live in Detroit, Chicago, New York City ghettos, etc. . . When they did, they killed each other at a staggering rate as well. Just watch the fukking "Godfather" or "Gangs of New York" or something
What good music?
It aint like this is the '80s and we're getting Eric B. & Rakim and Ice Cube outta this. We're getting wack ass nikkaz with gold teeth spitting about how great they are. nikkaz can barely rhyme nowadays
Poor Whites live in rural areas, they don't live in densely populated ghettos in the inner cities in Amerikkka.
In Russia they do, therefore Russia has a high ass population of Whites killing Whites in their ghettos.
See how that works?
That's how racism fukked up Black Americans.
They put us in the places that were ALREADY VIOLENT, let the European immigrants who had lived in those places, killing each other out of those places and then for years made it illegal for us to move out, or made it so the property values of any Whites living near us would automatically go down if we moved into their neighborhoods, essentially trapping Black folks in "urban" areas.