Nah..there's been more than a few incidences on 57 out by Markham/ CCHIlls, on 290 on the west side, and even on LSD. There was a shooting incident damn near right outside my place on LSD at Fullerton not too long ago. There was an incident on LSD at Belmont and the victim drove to Walgreens on Broadway to get help. Think both of those incidences involved Latinos though. But it's been widespread and all over.
I understand 57

LSD shyt crazy to me. My OG use to work in the building attached to that Walgreens, with the parking lot on the other side? Back in the 90's I was up there all the time at her gig lol. shyt was smooth but I was kid lol.
290. Is that Latinos or Whites???????? I'm tryin to think of what's really outlining 290