Believe it or not those are actually side hustles. I’m an expat. currently in Kazakhstan working as a QC supervisor for Chevron.
Not sure how any of that’s relevant tho...
Your suppose to be explaining how black people as a community, right now, can completely skip the bottom rungs of the economic ladder and start off in the middle/top...
Take your time.
It seems you've skipped the bottom rungs of the economic ladder yourself.
My position isn't that all black people will skip the bottom rungs of the economic spectrum because that isn't true for any race in this country or even possible with capitalism in general.
The issue here is that blacks should not make be disproportionately at the bottom.
We know there are factors that keep people towards the bottom and conversely helps them move up:
- Education
- Race
- Dual Earner families
- initial starting position
- Long stints of unemployment
From a voter perspective we should:
- support government programs that help offset the burden on being bottom earners
- support government programs that help provide financial aid to minorities for childcare, healthcare, education, transportation
- Labor laws that allow for Unions or other such collective bargaining that allows for people to move from entry level to mid-level
From an individual perspective it's important to focus on your education, limit your expenses, network appropriately, and maintain multiple earners
- One of the easiest ways we see this is children to either go to college and complete their degree
- Focus on a trade schools/work that provide good pay
- Not remain in entry level positions for over a year
- stay away from dead end entry level jobs like fast-food/retail after your teens
- For Adults, especially black men, it is important to make you have a network of mentors who can help introduce you to hiring managers, staff. give awareness on open positions and help move you ahead of the queue
We can have a larger in depth conversation, but most of the the things you support as a Libertarian and conservative had been fundamental in causing Low paying/min wage jobs to no longer be the stepping stone that they once were. So either you're going to accept that black people will have to relinquish many of their personal freedoms (having children/having more than 1 children/having children later in their life) or you're going to have to change your political philosophy so that social and labor safety nets are put in place that allow for people to have their families, see wage growth, have adequate healthcare, survive and advance during inevitable periods of unemployment that comes with low wage/low skill work without completely being underwater forever.