Whats worse Dames lack of empathy for something he cant understand because he's never been cool being an employee? Or the fake azz "Im a man of the people" pandering the Charlegmanes of the world do...is telling people what they want to hear worst than touching a nerve
? How can this coward who has went out of his way to hurt peoples feelings for trolling purposes turn around and get mad at Dame for saying what the fukk he feels with no intent or care of how people took it since its just his perspective
...Yall hate the messenger when it come to Dame but yall okay cosigning an admitted troll who hasn't shown he cares about peoples feelings in the past
People need to hear how they boss feels about them since we obviously don't see they don't give a fukk about us based on what they pay in comparison to what they make a year
"Bu bu but at least they thanked us for our hard work and loyalty through a email
"I know them Koreans and pakastini store owners don't give a fukk about black people, but they just rude and throw our change on the counter,they didn't SAY they don't respect us