Charlamagne Tha God just posted this on IG


Mar 11, 2022
I personally don't trust black people who use the Nword.

I can't fully embrace no black person who uses that word.

The only way out of the Nword is through knowledge of self...... knowledge of self gives you an increased PRIDE in being black....and once you gain that pride, it makes the Nword disgusting.

If you're black and don't use the word, I have an automatic deeper respect for you because I assume you have an elevated sense of pride in your blackness.

The rampant use of the Nword is a symptom of a sickness in the black community.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
This is just flat out wrong my brother, watch this very short clip:

^^^^^^ just peep how much negative and hateful energy is behind the word. The word is being used in the same manner in which a KKKlansman would use the hard "ER" version .

The word is COMMONLY used by black people towards other black people out of anger and hate....not as a warm and friendly "term of endearment".

"B1tch n1gga", "fukk n1gga" , "pu55y n1gga" , etc are common terms black people use to degrade and dehumanize each other. We read these terms daily here on the coli.

I would say that upwards of 90% of the time the Nword is used by black people it's used with hateful energy behind it.


If it was a term of endearment, you would imagine that saying it to another brother might de-escalate a tense situation but here, we see the situation go from bad to worse once the word is uttered.

very interesting.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
This fake ass outrage :mjlol:

“nikkas” can’t even agree that all Black lives across the board are worthy.

All white ppl gotta do is point at Black immigrants and Black LGBT ppl having human rights and nikkas let their bigotry run wild and lose focus on White Supremacy being the core issue behind most systemic problems.

KoonYe: Slavery was a choice!!
:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: He makes good beats, so..

KoonYe: I am a Nazi!!
:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: He makes good sneakers, so..

Boosie: African Americans are the worst “race” in the world!!
He Christian, gets Black ppl killed and hates LGBT. He solid, he a street nikka.

R Kelly: **pisses on an underage girl on cam**
:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: He makes good songs.

Koondace Owens: George Floyd wasn’t killed!!

:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: Let’s get her on the BreakfastClub,
we need diversity in political thought.

Math Hoffa: Kanye was right, slavery was a choice!!
:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: He has good interviews, I’m tuned in.

Trump: **Says the most blatant racist white supremacist dog whistles. Removes essential resources that took decades to acquire. Puts white supremacists at the highest positions of power**
:patrice::jbhmm::ehh: I like my racism out in the open.
He’s entertaining, I fux with Trump #BothSides.

Y’all LOVE to pretend like these examples of Black ppl behaving like children politically ain’t big ass elephants in the room for the world to see.

Our ppl NEED to get TALKED to like children when it comes to politics.

Be in denial if you want, but white ppl see it daily and act accordingly to oppress us.

Project 2025 is right around the corner if we don’t get it together.
Be in denial if you want.

Thecoli-"Chris Rock is a damn c00n for nikkas Vs Black People comedy bit"

Thecoli protecting Democrats- "yall nikkas need to be talked down to like children:mjpls:

Thecoli-"Black men get blamed for everything in this cruel world"

Thecoli protecting Democrats-"Yall nikkas the reason Hillary lost in 2016:damn:"

Thecoli-"This country owes us so much,we built this country. The wealth gap is criminal"

Thecoli liberal loyalist-"If everybody else is getting stuff,that means you might also get the crumbs:wow:"

Thecoli-"I dont give a damn what a cracka think!"

Thecoli Democrat footsoldiers-"Chill,if you ask the Democrats for a black specefic agenda outloud. You make the risk of upsettng our white liberal allies who dont want us to have shyt:whoa:"


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
And as far as Charlegmanes little post.

"nikkas" in that tone:gucci:?


"Before you go vote"?:gucci:

Guess he didnt get the memo. Neither Trump nor Kamala has been endorsed. But notice how they like to zero in on the lunatics who dikkeat Trump. Rather than focus on people who dont plan on voting at all due to the Democrats indifference and neglect. They dont have shyt to say to us,because Democrats have yet to unveil this black agenda weve been patiently waiting/asking for for over a year now.

Someone please tag me once Kamala writes it up. I imagine her in her office,writing with one of those feather ink pens burning the midnight oil. White husband looking over her shoulder "Not too much sweetie,you might upset some people:smugfavre:"

Please tag me when the specefics are released. Been waiting on this like "nikkas" wait on Jordans:respect:
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2022
If it was a term of endearment, you would imagine that saying it to another brother might de-escalate a tense situation but here, we see the situation go from bad to worse once the word is uttered.

very interesting.

And the crazy thing we like to say is "back in the day , the last word a black man heard before he was hung from a tree was the Nword".

Well fast forward today and the last word black men often hear before they're shot/m*rdered by another black man is the Nword :francis:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
We say nikka everyday, multiple times, in writing here and potentially in our personal lives. But now MFS can't look past the word and focus on the truth.

This shyt is mind-blowing.

True,but we are going to act like tone and context doesnt matter? The context is him doing what black liberal elitist,and thecolis boule do habitually:respect:

Sure,you cant throw the baby out with placenta,and even the placenta has nutrients. So if somebody somewhere needed to hear this message? Good for them I guess. But I think every black person in America knows the script by now.

"SHUT UP and Vote Harder:damn:"

This is more proof that they center the entire black community around our worst.

Charlemagne felt comfortable offending the entire black community to reach out to the bottom of the barrel mofos.

Democrats promote prison reform and poverty programs as the black agenda because you supposed to be in jail or the projects to get their help.

The college educated middle class and upper middle class are supposed to Come to the hood, create jobs for Pookie And raise his kids for them (Dr. Umar).

Imagine spending 22 years in school and end up an amateur social worker and nanny.

Thank you,ive been saying the same. They say the Republicans try to appeal to black men as criminals(true). But Democrats literally do the same. Trying to put police reform and prison reform as a major issue for the black community. That should be about the 4th or 5th thing on your list. Instead thats what they often lead with when trying to appeal to black men. Most of us dont go to jail,and dont interact with police that much#Priorities


Aug 18, 2013
It’s for a lot of reasons, but black people generally lack self respect and believe disrespect is common place. Also, too many black people see themselves as separate from the rest, which is why you have people defending these constant disrespectful actions. Black people are at the bottom of society, it’s why these people identify more with a political party than their own people. It’s why you have people celebrating for “saving democracy” and such. It’s easier for them to feel as though they are part of a “winning team”. You notice they are quicker to disassociate from “hood nikkas” than they would racist democrats. Call Biden out about his relationship with strom Thurmond or the crime bill, they’ll rush to defend it. Call out “hood nikkas” as these ignorant good for nothings, they’ll agree with it and rush to disassociate “he ain’t talking about me he talking about *those* nikkas”.


Say it again breh. This is what I have been saying for a while. Unfortunately in 2024, Black people identify with the Democratic Party to dictate their culture instead of Black people dictating their own culture