get these nets
this thread was made for salli richardson

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Other than a lack of talent I feel like the roles for overly attractive actors are just as limited as for really unattractive ones, it's easier to be typecast as arm candy or the girlfriend # and after that no one is going to take them serious for their prior roles and because they don't look the part. Everyone made fun of Denise Richards playing a nuclear physicist in a James Bond movie
I myself am not a fan of shows or movies where everyone is too pretty, especially time periods.
Hollywood Homely
Some storylines require a character who is unappealing, unattractive, and has a hard time finding dates. However, unattractive or even average-looking actors are often virtually unknown and dissuaded from trying to get acting jobs in Hollywood (often by people within the acting industry themselves), so the person cast in the role ends up being more gorgeous than most people you'd meet in real life. Producers know that "beauty is money," and so they're disinclined to cast genuinely unattractive people even as villains or extras, but would rather imply homeliness in character via character-reactions — regardless of the irony presented in attributing such to the fairly good-looking person playing the role.
They make this character "plain" by giving them some or all of the following: thick glasses, braces, freckles, unfashionable clothes, an unflattering hairstyle, and surrounding them with people who are more attractive. A more subtle method involves giving the actor clothes that clash with their natural skin color, making them look pale or blotchy - a method also used in "before-and-after" shots for diet-pill commercials. Bad lighting can help.
Tocara 36 and still fineToccara Jones
She could've been the breakout plus size model 10-12 years ago, even when she gained weight after ANTM she wasn't any fatter than Ashley Graham is now, and no less sexy
Still lost weight and faded into obscurity
Tocara 36 and still fine
how do you make this thread on a alleged black website and more than half the people be white.What an absolute garbage thread![]()
Unless you are from britain or Australia if you are from soaps you can only go as far as prime time. I mean as popular as heather locklear was her biggest cinematic role was....... Charlie sheen's rigid fiancee in money talksI remember seeing dude on Young and the Restless and always figured he would famous one homo
Funny thing about that is sandra bullock is one of the most aesthetically pleasing faces around. You watch her in the net and you are like my goodness that women is beautiful. What you are talking about is sultry FHM front page beauty which angelina jolie was yet women loved herI think what we're all forgetting though is that the most attractive women aren't always the ones that get pushed by Hollywood.
Wasn't there focus group data that showed that women don't like female leads being too attractive in romantic comedies? That's why Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock are huge stars instead of more attractive women.