CBS: 1 million people in California have lost their healthcare thanks to Obama


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Also if this were a true free market, BC would LOWER their costs not raise them.

You think if some new pizza chain came in offering all kinda pizzas for $2 less than pizza hut, pizza hut wouldn't adjust? of course they would, they did it with Little Caeser, now they offer the $5 pizzas. THAT is free market. It's supposed to benefit the customer and in turn benefit the best provider.

What BC is doing, is keeping some very very rich people happy while tarnishing their own name. These articles you guys are reading, are actually the PR dept in overdrive. BC are lobbyists they actually pay state officials to stay on their side. During the Bush administration we had the national interests on lock, you could google our CEO from that time and Bush, and they've had a handful of dinners for a reason. I was involved in some of the outsourcing going on to the Philippines and we got a tax break for that, 2 years later, we laid off 1,000 americans. So not only did we not pay taxes, we laid off a shyt load of people. Now had BC paid taxes, those people would at least get fed by their former employer indirectly, instead, you honest tax payers paid. All in the hands of BC chairmen wanting to get richer off the sick. These are the people you're defending? :heh:

Man I can go on and on, on some of the grimey shyt we used to do, I was a shark then and actually didn't even blink on it, I reflected on it later when I got into a bad car accident and had to deal with the medical world from the sick patients point of view. Anyways Im going to keep quiet now. in fact Im going to spoiler this.


Jun 8, 2012
Who says that these people who lost their insurance had plans that sucked? Maybe they liked their plans and found them to be affordable. People are smart enough to decide for themselves if a plan is good or bad.

A lot of people are seeing their premiums skyrocket.
oh boy. okay party's over. time for some real health insuranc elogic from someone that has worked in the field. ME.

here's how it works. and lets me be clear half of my family has worked in the industry for years as well. i've personally did time at Blue cross of cali. and a smaller insurance. i got people's at kaiser. i got folks that were putting in systems for the ACA with their respective insurances.

the truth is the ACA if you pay attention to detail. specifically stats "BETTER" healthcare for all. not just Healthcare for all. its BETTER.

the better = NO LIFE TIME MAX's, etc, etc. you dont even understand what that means. do you realize most people with coverage that got cancelled had WACK/CRAP insurance. yes they did. no matter what they tell you. the only reason they were kicked off is because those policies did not have the basics within them. this means you were paying lets say $175.00 for something that didnt even work for you.
my example. you have that pre ACA plan for $175.00(this is what i can say). But you have a big time emergency. you find out Sorry we dont cover X, Y, or Z. we cover A, B and C at 50%. So your bill will be $28,050 we need that before we can put your foot back on sir. you got that money? you :bryan:

People thought they had good coverage and didnt have anything. they were paying half coverage on car that had zero coverage when the ish hits the fan. imagine that. imagine i pay $175 for full coverage, uninsurance motorists etc on a new whip. if a fool hits me. i got a $500.00 ded. and i'm GOOOD. rental for 30 days, etc until my car is fixed or totaled out and the blue book value.

You with your CRAP coverage pays $90.00... an uninsured motorists smacks you and you run into a telephone pole and knock it down. Your deductible is $1000 first off. so lets keep it 1000. you dont have $1000 to kick start the fixing process. and even if you did. your mom and pop no name crap insurance isnt covering the total amt of the city damage for the light poll. its also not going to cover all your medical bills. why not? cause you never read the fine print. you never called to really find out whats covered and whats excluded. you know why you never called to ask? Because you told yourself "all i can afford is 90 per" what you should've done is saved that 90 if you're that broke and just went without insurance and dealt with the consequences just like you're doing now pretty much. i mean if you aint gott it. would it really make a difference if you owed $32,000 or $38,000? NO. you aint got it. at least you got to save that extra 90 per month and put that in your pocket. But this is something most people dont get.

Those old overages were so poorly setup. to the point they didnt even cover you. so you were paying for something that would not ASSIST YOU. people dont get this piece to the puzzle when they go crying about obamacare.

understand something. your insurance = a 1994 chevy lumina. in 2013. that thing didnt start half the time. when it did it was rocky at best and it didnt make it to your destination without cutting off on you 3 more times. you keep having to get it fixed(spending more money).
the ACA comes around and says enough is enough insurance companies. give everyone no less then a 2013 ford focus. naw that aint a benz. but it will turn on when you turn the key/hit star button. it will get you from point A to point Z every single day without issue. Now your lumina ran you 35 bucks per month from some lemon spot on the corner. a brand new ford focus is going to run you 199 per month. OH BOY STICKER SHOCK. its not sticker shock when you're getting more for more money you pay. its sticker shock when you get less for the more you pay or the same for more you pay.

this is whats going to happen. it might be 10, 20 or 30 years from now. we will be SINGLE PAYER. and when that happens. your pay check will look a lot smaller. because insane taxes will come out of it before you touch it. all because so much will go to healthcare for us all. BUT, then you will not have to worry about coverage at all. you sneeze to hard. doctor time. you break a leg, doctor coverage dat 100%. you need a surgery.. 100%. it wont matter. its all 100%. this also means just like now with the ACA. you have movement now. people stay on wack jobs just to keep their benefits. you no longer have to do that with the ACA. you can quit and start your own business because you now can get LEGIT insurance at an affordable price thru the exchange.

you say but but they said my inscurance went up 300 dollars. if thats the case. go back on the exchange and find the same policy. watch how you will get kickbacks from the govvy to help you pay for that 300. so you really pay $125. uh oh. thats close to that 90 you use to pay. but for crap coverage. now you're getting solid coverage. now stop crying and thank obama.


Jun 8, 2012
You stupid fukk, they're not forcing insurance companies to raise their premiums, companies don't want to COMPETE with Obamacare by lowering their prices, so instead they're willing to lose customers and raise prices on their existing customers, to meet their annuals. fukking hell you can't be this fukking stupid. how the fukk are you going to tell me how my old company is ran? :heh:

as for covering pre-existing conditions, covering birth control etc etc, nikka THEY SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN DOING THAT WTF.
Thank you. actually these fools are hedging their bets. they assume to many people are dumb when it comes to insurance(which is true). ifyou dont work in health insurance or you dont have or know someone who has a serious medical condition. you dont know enough about it until its to late.

these fat companies are praying yall dummies are afraid of the OBeezy websites. they hope yall suck it up and stick with the same plan "i dont want to change my plan." then they can get you in a stick em up move and have you over paying for something you could've found on the exchange for cheaper. i keep telling yall. these companies are not ethical. no matter if all of their CEO's have passed Business ethics with flying colors. these fools are preying on the weak as usual.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Thank you. actually these fools are hedging their bets. they assume to many people are dumb when it comes to insurance(which is true). ifyou dont work in health insurance or you dont have or know someone who has a serious medical condition. you dont know enough about it until its to late.

these fat companies are praying yall dummies are afraid of the OBeezy websites. they hope yall suck it up and stick with the same plan "i dont want to change my plan." then they can get you in a stick em up move and have you over paying for something you could've found on the exchange for cheaper. i keep telling yall. these companies are not ethical. no matter if all of their CEO's have passed Business ethics with flying colors. these fools are preying on the weak as usual.

of course it is just look at COBRA. now with Obamacare they can't rape people with that bullshyt plan. I remember paying $430 for that after my car accident....FOR JUST ME, A SINGLE PERSON, shyt was more than my car note!!!! :damn:. It was stupid expensive but I wanted to keep my exclusive PPO plan.

All these people getting laid off, unemployed, do you think they can afford COBRA? now with Obamacare they can actually get covered and THAT IS HOW we (tax payers) wont have to cover the cost. We've already done a survey and we know that it's the unemployed that take up a bulk of that, and Obamacare has that covered too, if you can't afford the premium HE WAIVES IT. I mean WHO THE fukk IS DUMB ENOUGH TO SAY THIS IS BAD??? Yall are actually falling for this PR bullshyt?

Man private insurance companies are about as bad as oil companies if not worse because they deal with the sick and elderly. We all get sick, health is most important and they squeeze your wallet just to stay healthy. I mean god damn. :damn: Why do you think richer countries have FREE healthcare. A healthy society is a society with less burden. Man Americans are so fukking stupid. You want to keep private insurance the way it is? why not just hand these guys gold bars and feed them grapes, because that's basically what you're. If you see the contracts they have with their providers you'd call these folks gang members. The cost of medical service is triple what it's supposed to be as to force you into buying an expensive private insurance plan, and doctors know it too, they're all in on it. LOL.

Obama came in and throw a cluster bomb in the mix, them folks are scattering. My doctor is pro-Obamacare because he's a real ethical guy and he knows it benefits the people.


Jun 8, 2012
Also if this were a true free market, BC would LOWER their costs not raise them.

You think if some new pizza chain came in offering all kinda pizzas for $2 less than pizza hut, pizza hut wouldn't adjust? of course they would, they did it with Little Caeser, now they offer the $5 pizzas. THAT is free market. It's supposed to benefit the customer and in turn benefit the best provider.

What BC is doing, is keeping some very very rich people happy while tarnishing their own name. These articles you guys are reading, are actually the PR dept in overdrive. BC are lobbyists they actually pay state officials to stay on their side. During the Bush administration we had the national interests on lock, you could google our CEO from that time and Bush, and they've had a handful of dinners for a reason. I was involved in some of the outsourcing going on to the Philippines and we got a tax break for that, 2 years later, we laid off 1,000 americans. So not only did we not pay taxes, we laid off a shyt load of people. Now had BC paid taxes, those people would at least get fed by their former employer indirectly, instead, you honest tax payers paid. All in the hands of BC chairmen wanting to get richer off the sick. These are the people you're defending? :heh:

Man I can go on and on, on some of the grimey shyt we used to do, I was a shark then and actually didn't even blink on it, I reflected on it later when I got into a bad car accident and had to deal with the medical world from the sick patients point of view. Anyways Im going to keep quiet now. in fact Im going to spoiler this.
stop it, if there was a true FREE market. you and me would be guinea pigs. meaning they would go thru 100,000's of victims with treatments they are trying out without regulation. to keep it cheaper for themselves and to just bring in more clients. all companies would do this until the dust settles and the people realized "wow if i go to kaiser its a 90% chance of death. even though they are cheaper i cant trust em. so let me go to bluecross where its 50% chance. " that will take so long for us to get to that point its not even funny. which is why 100,000's would have to die before we have the numbers to prove the point.

thats a true FREE market. ZERO regulation where the "market" regulates itself. you want to go back in dem old days where the market regulates itself by killing people on accident first? thats the way it use to be before we started with all this REGULATION that some of yall fools hate.


May 4, 2012
Like your 401k right?

Want me to up that ?


Come on man
401k is for clowns. I dont give my money to cacs to invest they obviously have no fukking idea what they're doing judging the economy.


May 1, 2012
Who says that these people who lost their insurance had plans that sucked? Maybe they liked their plans and found them to be affordable. People are smart enough to decide for themselves if a plan is good or bad.

A lot of people are seeing their premiums skyrocket.

My premiums went down by ~ $400 a year.

Thanks, Obama!!! :tu:


May 1, 2012
401k is for clowns. I dont give my money to cacs to invest they obviously have no fukking idea what they're doing judging the economy.

Pay "CACS" for your electricity, water, government, food, transportation, health insurance, life insurance, and pretty much everything else in this country but then blame them for the downfall of your nonexistent retirement account when someone on the internet points out your lack of financial acumen and feels bad for the future of your family, brehs.