lol first of all the anytime the federal government has attempted to change one of it's social programs or create a new one. It has always come out badly or taken time to get it right. We live in the age of 24 hour media so everything has to be reported and acted like it's the end of the world when it's not. You say that because health insurance change is hard so we shouldn't attempt it even though there is a great chance that a year or two from now, the system will be MUCH greater than it ever has been.(more people insured, lower cost). That is short sighted and the hallmarks of lacking political courage. The system will change whether people like you like it or not.
Everybody SHOULD have insurance but sadly our world of reality doesn't make that a logical possibility. Healthcare should be free and for all but this attempt at a medical reform is one of the most idiotic and poorly planned attempts in the history of this planet.![]()
The ONLY way this OBAMACARE could have worked was to have some sort of public option. But Obama has no backbone and therefore he caved to those demonic insurance companies, for tons of concessions and donations to his library i'm sure.
Dude's sellout policies are being exposed, and the foolish democrats that blindly supported it are the ones paying for it. Thank god the GAWD Rick Perry refused to participate in Obama care. My rates haven't changed just yet and my policy has yet to be cancelled....![]()
Right, but if you know how politics work you'd know none of that shyt matterA non-story to be honest. Not because I fully believe Obamacare is going to be the perfect system, but because it has barely even begun implementation. Anyone knows in business you can't expect to see how a program is going to be in this amount of time.
I wouldn't call you pathetic anymore, that was last year. You're just a family man now and your priorities have changed. I just think it's sad and a little weird that you still spend all this time on here as 3 different people (What's up with that anyway) still trying to hold onto the glory days and pretend that it's not you. I mean in all honesty, what's with that? There's not anyone on here who doesn't know you're all 3 aliases, nor do they care, but you act like you're important and mysterious. I guess if it's exciting for you then carry on.
Are you still on that "demonic" thing, btw?
Republicans had a chance to pass healthcare reform during clinton's presidency when they controlled both the house and senate.
Man shut the fukk up already with this bullshyt... @Hiphoplives4eva is right, dems had the votes for a public option but obama spreaded his cheeks and willingly got buttfukked by the insurance lobby....why is it hard for you bleeding hearts to accept this?
FLASHBACK: Obama Repeatedly Touted Public Option Before Refusing To Push For It In The Final Hours
In recent days, there has been an uproar in the progressive community over the Senate’s decision to drop the public option from its health care bill in order to reach the crucial 60 votes needed to break a filibuster. Given that many liberals backed a single-payer, Medicare-for-all system, the public option was seen as a political compromise.
“I didn’t campaign on the public option,” President Obama told the Washington Post. But he touted the public option on his campaign website and spoke frequently in support of it during the first year of his presidency, citing its essential value in holding the private insurance industry accountable and providing competition:
– In the 2008 Obama-Biden health care plan on the campaign’s website, candidate Obama promised that “any American will have the opportunity to enroll in [a] new public plan.” [2008]
– During a speech at the American Medical Association, President Obama told thousands of doctors that one of the plans included in the new health insurance exchanges “needs to be a public option that will give people a broader range of choices and inject competition into the health care market.” [6/15/09]
– While speaking to the nation during his weekly address, the President said that “any plan” he signs “must include…a public option.” [7/17/09]
– During a conference call with progressive bloggers, the President said he continues “to believe that a robust public option would be the best way to go.” [7/20/09]
– Obama told NBC’s David Gregory that a public option “should be a part of this [health care bill],” while rebuking claims that the plan was “dead.” [9/20/09]
Despite all this overt advocacy for the public option, it appears that Obama was reticent to apply the political pressure necessary to get the plan in the final hours of congressional negotiation. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) — whothreatened to filibuster the creation of any new public plan or expansion of Medicare — told the Huffington Post that he “didn’t really have direct input from the White House” on the public option and was never specifically asked to support it.
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), one of the most ardent backers of public insurance, blamed the demise of the public option on a “lack of support from the administration.” Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) — perhaps the most visible defender of the public option in the entire health care debate — went even further, saying that Obama’s lack of support for congressional progressives amounted to him being “
half-pregnant” with the health insurance and drug industries.
fukk outta here, ol hypocrite ass motherfukkkas. When's the last time a republican president or congress lead on any issue other than reducing social programs? You have the gall to criticize obama on not going after the public option when you republicans had your chance to do something and didn't do shyt.
Why do you keep deflecting from what Obama had the chance to do but didnt? Why cant you ever refute that obama was always against a public option? why do you keep slurping obama's dikk?
Because while obamacare is not perfect I believe it will do monumentally good for the country in a year or two. The verdict on how obamacare will turnout has still yet to be written. And I hate hypocrites like you and your conservative friends that talk about public option this, obama bowed to corporations that. The fact of the matter is that not a single republican voted for healthcare reform. They have really no authority to speak on the issue, when they both lacked the will and the political courage to even try to do anything about healthcare in this country. Sorry if I don't jump on the hate obama train for a guy who legitimately tried to change the healthcare system for the better. I hate cowards and one thing for sue is that conservatives and republicans are the biggest cowards in this country.
fukking p*ssy