CBS: 1 million people in California have lost their healthcare thanks to Obama


Jun 8, 2012
They should have let people keep their existing plans and limited the exchanges first, to those who were uninsured and then opened it up to people who felt their premiums were too high. Instead you make even more people uninsured and they can't be re insured again because the process to sign up is broken. That was just dumb.

I'm all for universal healthcare but the roll out of this program was piss poor.
ay, cant lie you mak
They should have let people keep their existing plans and limited the exchanges first, to those who were uninsured and then opened it up to people who felt their premiums were too high. Instead you make even more people uninsured and they can't be re insured again because the process to sign up is broken. That was just dumb.

I'm all for universal healthcare but the roll out of this program was piss poor.
ay cant lie, you make some valid points. but check this out. the roll out would have been piss poor regardless. because its so much change that huge companies are fighting with huge dollars. while its some much false advertising going on to trick you the consumer that know little to nothing about health insurance. to the fact that its hell trying to get a system setup for a few 100, 000. let alone a million. let alone millions upon millions.

remember the stats that dont have their own exchanges are being hit the worse. why? because their REPUB boys decided not to make state exchanges. that was a part of the last supreme court decision to not force the stats into having to create their own state sites. it became voluntary. thanks to the repubs who had it pushed thru the supreme court. so those fools were trying to crash the system from the get go. the .GOV part of the site was not made for people to go on their in droves and use that site to look up plans like that. thats what your state site was supposed to be for. do you see how this messes with everything? do you see now this alone could break a system that was doomed to be a long haul anyway since everyone who runs very large databases has had these ups and downs on launch day, week, month, first year. so you add that repub jank in. and bam. you have all sorts of issues.


Jun 8, 2012
Obamacare falling apart at the seams!!!:bryan::russ::lolbron:

Obama: Canceled plans can be kept for a year

President Obama said Thursday that Americans can keep canceled health insurance policies for a year as companies and consumers adjust to the new demands of the health care law.

In the coming weeks, insurance companies must also notify customers of what those policies lack, and of options consumers have for better coverage under the new law, Obama said in a statement at the White House."Americans whose plans have been canceled can choose to re-enroll," he said.

The president responded to criticism from lawmakers and Americans who have received cancellation notices since the Obamacare law came on line last month, a period also marred by a malfunctioning website.

"I think it's fair to say the rollout has been rough so far," Obama said.
very dumb smileys. its not falling apart at the seems. the insurance companies are price gouging like crazy and the consumers are whining like crazy because they dont understand health insurance at all. this is the first time everyone and their great grandma has to learn about health insurance. its the first time since...forever. even when they implemented medicare and medicaid way way back when. thats only for the super broke and the super old. the rest of us could just float alone like nothing happened. this time this changed for everyone. so we all had to pay real attention. people dont like to READ, understand, comprehend stuff that they never had to before. we always cry about being taken advantage of. well here's your chance to READ and know what you're signing up for. and you still crying vs reading and paying real attention to detail.

this move by the pres is called a HELP, not a hindrance. the ACA will change over the years anyway. thats the way it should be. it should not be in stone. because things change that we never saw coming. even things he never saw coming. so you have to leave it open for changes here and there.

this change is smart and it helps the rest of you cry babies and well as reigns in these shady insurance companies for one more year.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
very dumb smileys. its not falling apart at the seems. the insurance companies are price gouging like crazy and the consumers are whining like crazy because they dont understand health insurance at all. this is the first time everyone and their great grandma has to learn about health insurance. its the first time since...forever. even when they implemented medicare and medicaid way way back when. thats only for the super broke and the super old. the rest of us could just float alone like nothing happened. this time this changed for everyone. so we all had to pay real attention. people dont like to READ, understand, comprehend stuff that they never had to before. we always cry about being taken advantage of. well here's your chance to READ and know what you're signing up for. and you still crying vs reading and paying real attention to detail.

this move by the pres is called a HELP, not a hindrance. the ACA will change over the years anyway. thats the way it should be. it should not be in stone. because things change that we never saw coming. even things he never saw coming. so you have to leave it open for changes here and there.

this change is smart and it helps the rest of you cry babies and well as reigns in these shady insurance companies for one more year.

And obamacare didnt help health insurance companies price gouge? saw the healthinsurance law changing before it is even implemented (employer mandates) is a good sign that the law is stable?


Jun 23, 2012
ay cant lie, you make some valid points. but check this out. the roll out would have been piss poor regardless. because its so much change that huge companies are fighting with huge dollars. while its some much false advertising going on to trick you the consumer that know little to nothing about health insurance. to the fact that its hell trying to get a system setup for a few 100, 000. let alone a million. let alone millions upon millions.

remember the stats that dont have their own exchanges are being hit the worse. why? because their REPUB boys decided not to make state exchanges. that was a part of the last supreme court decision to not force the stats into having to create their own state sites. it became voluntary. thanks to the repubs who had it pushed thru the supreme court. so those fools were trying to crash the system from the get go. the .GOV part of the site was not made for people to go on their in droves and use that site to look up plans like that. thats what your state site was supposed to be for. do you see how this messes with everything? do you see now this alone could break a system that was doomed to be a long haul anyway since everyone who runs very large databases has had these ups and downs on launch day, week, month, first year. so you add that repub jank in. and bam. you have all sorts of issues.

It's only common sense that a few million people trying to access ONE website at the same time is going to cause issues so I'm not even tripping over that.

I'm more so concerned about people who are getting their current coverages dropped becuse their plans supposedly don't meet the required coverages. The insurance companies could have created an "Obamacare rider" that sort of packaged up the features they were missing at an additional cost instead of canceling the entire policy. Maternity and Birth Control should be riders as well, not required coverages. Everyone involved has screwed the entire process up royally but there are elements of sabotage all over it too.


Jun 8, 2012
It's only common sense that a few million people trying to access ONE website at the same time is going to cause issues so I'm not even tripping over that.

I'm more so concerned about people who are getting their current coverages dropped becuse their plans supposedly don't meet the required coverages. The insurance companies could have created an "Obamacare rider" that sort of packaged up the features they were missing at an additional cost instead of canceling the entire policy. Maternity and Birth Control should be riders as well, not required coverages. Everyone involved has screwed the entire process up royally but there are elements of sabotage all over it too.
you are 100 % correct how it SHOULD BE. ask yourself why would the policies not include those as "riders"? they didnt do that by mistake. they did it on purpose. they being insurance tyc00ns. these big dolla companies know exactly what they were doing kicking people off creating a panic and saying "it was obama who did it" it even has you fooled and you dont seem like you're apart of the sheeple clan.

the insurance companies booted people like they did on purpose. praying they would be to dumb to go thru these plans to find out what they USE to have and now what they DO have.

some of that stuff they now have is worth more money .that i cant fault the shady companies for charging more for(besides the fact they over charge to begin with but thats another topic).

do people realize even if you had great benees. you had a lifetime maximum?
I need someone to answer. me. DO you know what that means?

see i've worked in health insurance on the lowest level way way back in the day. i've seen the bare claims from the point of data entry, to the point of claims examining to process them. i've seen the REAL benefits. the ones that you dont see in your little summary pamplet or online. i'm talking about the stuff thats in your EOC(evidence of coverage) booklet. most of yall dont know what that is either. most people dont even receive that anymore cause most people treated that like a yellow pages phone book in 2013(why i need dat if i got the internets?) well you need it if you realllly want to know whats covered and whats not if ISH hits the fan. and something really bad happens to you, your spouse/kids/dependents.

the only reason you have insurance is for "just in case ISH hits the fan"

i've seen people's claims amt to over 200grand for long hospital stays, surgeries, treatments etc. i've seen these ridiculous claims with my own eyes. i had to process some back in the day myself. thats when i realized anyone can go broke if ISH ever hit the fan when it comes to healthcare. its that expensive. and these healthcare companies aint doing you any favors. even if you pay good money for a good plan pre ACA. you still had a Max LIFETIME benefit. which means what? If something really bad happens and you have very long recovery. you can run into that max benefit. if that happens. every dime from that point on YOu have to pay out of your pocket. sorry your insurance aint paying anymore. this is no longer the case. no matter how bad it gets for you. they cant kick you off. they have to treat you.

YOu sir are now TRULY insured. before, we were all Kind of insured(some better then others).

and the truth is, just because they put maternity on a 70 yr old ladies policy doesnt mean that old lady has to pay for that to be on there. having insurance for something that will never occur isnt a true RISK to the insurance company. you think they dont know this? of course they do. yet they got you shook about it anyway.

if its not a new risk or a true risk it doesnt actually cost the insurance company any more money. So that talking point is MOOT at best.


Jun 8, 2012
lastly for yall with good intentions saying obama care could've been written better. YEAH..SO. could every law thats ever written. thats why tweeks are available. the question you have to ask yourself is this. not is it perfect. but "is this law put me in a better position in the long term then i was with the old way. the answer is HELL YES it does. now will their be kinks to work out?HELL YES. but know there are always kings with change. especially a change this drastic.

one last thing. part of the reason these bills/laws cant be closer to perfect for US the people. is because we have this thing called capitalism. where even our prez cant go but so hard on these companies. if he goes to hard. he will then officially be creating a socialist system(which i'm all for when it comes to healthcare..but thats me). this means these companies will still have room to be a bit shady with their tactics. we should place blame on the shady characters not the prez. its not the law. the only reason we need the law is because these companies are shady. blame these companies.


Jun 23, 2012
Worst administration to be in office. How any "educated" person could support this buffoonish concept baffles me. Just another example of liberals doing too much and dragging everybody else down with them.
Whats wrong with everyone being insured? Medical bills are like the leading cause of bankruptcy.


Jun 23, 2012
lastly for yall with good intentions saying obama care could've been written better. YEAH..SO. could every law thats ever written. thats why tweeks are available. the question you have to ask yourself is this. not is it perfect. but "is this law put me in a better position in the long term then i was with the old way. the answer is HELL YES it does. now will their be kinks to work out?HELL YES. but know there are always kings with change. especially a change this drastic.

one last thing. part of the reason these bills/laws cant be closer to perfect for US the people. is because we have this thing called capitalism. where even our prez cant go but so hard on these companies. if he goes to hard. he will then officially be creating a socialist system(which i'm all for when it comes to healthcare..but thats me). this means these companies will still have room to be a bit shady with their tactics. we should place blame on the shady characters not the prez. its not the law. the only reason we need the law is because these companies are shady. blame these companies.
I don't think anyone can argue that the changes this law has forced the insurance industry to make in terms of coverage (pre-exitising conditions, max lifetime benefit ,etc) is good BUT is it affordable? In a lot of cases no, especially for people with families. Better coverage is more money for premiums and that is going to be more impactful to people every time. Insurance companies can most certainly provide the coverage for the same amount but what is there incentive to do so?


May 1, 2012
Worst administration to be in office. How any "educated" person could support this buffoonish concept baffles me. Just another example of liberals doing too much and dragging everybody else down with them.

You sound like an idiots. Trying to expand low cost medical insurance and increase coverage is doing too much? People like you are so misinformed.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Whats wrong with everyone being insured? Medical bills are like the leading cause of bankruptcy.

Everybody SHOULD have insurance but sadly our world of reality doesn't make that a logical possibility. Healthcare should be free and for all but this attempt at a medical reform is one of the most idiotic and poorly planned attempts in the history of this planet. :ehh:


May 1, 2012
very dumb smileys. its not falling apart at the seems. the insurance companies are price gouging like crazy and the consumers are whining like crazy because they dont understand health insurance at all. this is the first time everyone and their great grandma has to learn about health insurance. its the first time since...forever. even when they implemented medicare and medicaid way way back when. thats only for the super broke and the super old. the rest of us could just float alone like nothing happened. this time this changed for everyone. so we all had to pay real attention. people dont like to READ, understand, comprehend stuff that they never had to before. we always cry about being taken advantage of. well here's your chance to READ and know what you're signing up for. and you still crying vs reading and paying real attention to detail.

this move by the pres is called a HELP, not a hindrance. the ACA will change over the years anyway. thats the way it should be. it should not be in stone. because things change that we never saw coming. even things he never saw coming. so you have to leave it open for changes here and there.

this change is smart and it helps the rest of you cry babies and well as reigns in these shady insurance companies for one more year.

Basically, now they can bytch about something else.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
You sound like an idiots. Trying to expand low cost medical insurance and increase coverage is doing too much? People like you are so misinformed.

Shut your bleeding heart liberal ass down and learn what singular and plural is. You typed that with so much misguided anger your stuttering in your fingers :laff:


May 1, 2012
Everybody SHOULD have insurance but sadly our world of reality doesn't make that a logical possibility. Healthcare should be free and for all but this attempt at a medical reform is one of the most idiotic and poorly planned attempts in the history of this planet. :ehh:

lol first of all the anytime the federal government has attempted to change one of it's social programs or create a new one. It has always come out badly or taken time to get it right. We live in the age of 24 hour media so everything has to be reported and acted like it's the end of the world when it's not. You say that because health insurance change is hard so we shouldn't attempt it even though there is a great chance that a year or two from now, the system will be MUCH greater than it ever has been.(more people insured, lower cost). That is short sighted and the hallmarks of lacking political courage. The system will change whether people like you like it or not.