But how can you call yourself a casual if you post on a wrestling forum everyday?
Also if all the people still watching are marks why would you trust them to correctly write about WWE storylines in a manner for you to keep up with them?
That's kinda like if I were to call The Godfather a shyt movie based on a synopsis written by @MartyMcFly without seeing so much as a trailer for it, let alone seeing it.
I still talk about play fighting because back in the day (late 90’s) it was something worth watching and one may find themselves reminiscing about something they may no longer keep up with. That’s not uncommon amongst casual fans.
Also, it’s not about “trusting” these marks opinion on stories, there barely are any, but I sure as hell just laugh at their view on play fighting. When you see a group of people so buried in their little safe zone bubble it can be amusing to see