I got ethered, but The Coli has a way of preserving memories.I forgot all about this post & it got me sitting here reminiscing.They grow up too quick.My niece about to be 15.A whole social justice warrior now.Schooling me about which proper pronouns to use & things of that sortMy niece(9 yrs old) got me a few months ago.
I was taking her and my son to the movies, but we stopped by the Golden Corral to catch a bite to eat beforehand.
Midway through the grub, my niece looks over at me and goes
"Why do you only drink water?"
"Because soda & juice is bad for you.That's why uncle look how he look!See how my skin glows!Looking all smooth?"
And she got real proper on me
"Well actually I do see quite a few small bumps & blemishes on your face"
Damn...I remember this kid said I looked like I survived 8 strokes