Captain Marvel (Official Thread) March 8th 2019: 7th Marvel Film To Cross 1B$


The bubble was fraudulent
May 3, 2013
The lies we tell. I won't bother pulling up the Celtics threads on here, you are the typical clueless C's fan loser, it's unfortunate that we like the same team. :manny:
:mjlol: Completely serious. You've made no impression on me whatsoever ever as a poster before this. And apparently I'm a neg on sight for you.


Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I think some of the biggest complaints about the movie is why I think the film went over a lot of people's heads and it also shows the directors did too good of a job.

1. The biggest complaint people had is with Brie Larsons acting. Her character was compared to the other OG marvel characters, specifically RDJ's.

she was a kree for 6 years! She was constantly programmed not to show emotion the entire time she was there. The human side of her let it show at times but she was still holding it back. You notice how everyone in star force didnt show emotions either right? So her being out of place on earth was the ENTIRE POINT

2. How Nick Fury lost his eye.

Nick Fury has a track record of lying in the MCU. He lied to the Avengers about Coulson having captain america cards in his pocket when he got stabbed by Loki. He faked his death in civil war. And in this movie he didnt tell Coulson why he lost his eye. Again, THAT WAS THE POINT. Why would he tell the truth when he can use it as a tool to manipulate the conversation to get his point across. He lied multiple times in winter soldier. I mean hes an ex spy right?

3. The Skrulls

the skrulls shown in the movie were probably not the only ones on earth. Just like there was an asgardian in agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. as well as Kree. Even in the comics all skrulls weren't evil. So secret wars is still a legit possibility.

And again, people who thought the story was bland, are spoiled by past marvel movies.
There were several emotional parts of this movie that made it feel out of place in the MCU. You rarely get that and I think it speaks to the level of talent in the directors.

And one final thing.

the tesseract. I assumed that it was found the same time they found captain America but o dont think that's the case anymore. Those weapons found on the helecarrier had been made long before they found captain America.

I also find it funny that those specific skrulls didnt know what it really was.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Wonder Woman actually had an arc. Went from an innocent idealist to seeing the ugly side of humanity and losing hope and then deciding mankind was still worth fighting for. Relationship with Steve felt natural, not forced. They took the material seriously and built a credible recreation of the World War I era while also injecting a sense of fun and wonder that meshed well with the world they established. And it just had a certain charm to it that fit the character. Third act definitely had issues but how we got there was entertaining enough for me to forgive it. Plus the No Man's Land scene was a genuinely thrilling sequence.

Aside from the note from Bruce Wayne at the beginning, Wonder Woman works as a self-contained story. Literally the only cool parts of Captain Marvel were the little winks and nods to the Avengers and even those parts were terribly forced and corny.

What was Captain Marvel's arc? She went from :ld:to :dwillhuh:to :smugfavre: They could've done something interesting with her slowly regaining her memories. Instead they executed it in the most generic way possible. In general, Brie Larson is a better actress than Gal Gadot, but Gal Gadot actually committed to her character. Brie looked like she was bored out of her mind and nearly all her lines had this weird, detached delivery that just didn't work. Movie was tone deaf. Scenes in a fantastical alien world had the same rhythm and tone as the road tripping scenes on earth. No sense of awe to Captain Marvel. She's this super powered being who lands on earth yet all the humans she interacts with are just :yeshrug:

Like I said, the movie tried to have the same irreverent tone as Guardians but the worldbuilding and writing weren't nearly good enough to pull that off. The whole thing was just a lazy effort. Almost as if Marvel was saying ":yeshrug:Ya'll are gonna watch it anyway to see how it ties to the Avengers, so it's cool if we half ass it."

Look, in general MCU is better than DCEU by a pretty wide margin but as far as straight up movies, Wonder Woman is a MUCH better film than Captain Marvel.

So you wanted them to take the entire movie having her figure out who she was?

Her memories were artificially suppressed. And they had fo keep suppressing them in order for it to keep working. She didnt fully regain them until the end of the movie.

Captain Marvels arc was bigger than WW's. The characters entire life prepared her to ultimately overcome her biggest challenge.

People hated iron man 3 because Tony Stark wasn't in the suit for most of the movie. He was forced to play Tony Stark for a long period of time and couldn't rely on quips the entire time.

I think this is the same thing. Only I think Brie Larson did a better job for what they were trying to accomplish.


Jun 9, 2012
Captain Marvel (2019)

What's with the 36 percent audience score??? Is it that bad?
It ain’t that bad

The majority of ppl watching this is simply for an appetizer before Endgame

It ain’t that bad but it ain’t flat out dope

IMO, the final battle and the Skrulls were underwhelming...... I thought there’d be more to the bigger picture of the Skrull plot and for her to be hyped as being the most powerful Avenger, once she powered up and started glowing the movie was basically over.... just CGI and cats retreating


Jun 4, 2012
Watching this tomorrow
I have no expectations I just know I want to see it like all these marvel movies. I wanted to see Thor 2 also n hate that movie.


Apr 30, 2012
I went in with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. Sam and Brie had great chemistry together, I thought it was good that they gave you glimpses of her origin before actually getting to see it. From the trailers you'd think Brie had one facial expression and all the personality of a robot, she was actually funny and showed emotion which I see was the point because of how she came to be Vers. It was a different Marvel movie in it's approach and that turned out to be a plus instead of a negative IMO.

The cat was a nice touch :russ:

There's definitely more to The Skrulls than they let on in this. I'm interested to see where they go with it in future movies because this was a mere glimpse of that race.

The way Fury lost his eye :laff: I knew the truth was simpler than the story he told but it kept the continuity of his character in the MCU.

That mid credits scene made me wish Avengers was dropping tomorrow, can't wait to see how they wrap it all up.


Sep 29, 2012
Just finished watching the movie...

I gotta watch Room, how the fukk did this girl win an Oscar? :skip:

Brie was the worst part of the movie. Trying to play the cocky tough girl made her come off awkward at times...

This is down there with IM2, T:TDW. It's Marvel gang all day but I wasn't feeling this.

I will watch it again when the BR drops. Hopefully the Russo's bring something new to her character in Endgame.

The CGI was surprisingly good, she looked pretty dope flying around and shyt.

Goose was whatever.

Fury was ok, Ronan was useless, Korath was useless, Coulson was useless. The fine ass blue asian girl was useless too.

Anette Bening :dahell: anybody could of played that role.

Marvel def rushed this shyt.

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May 11, 2012
East ATL
Saw it last night....

- Goose, Fury, Talos
- The VFX on Fury was top notch to the point where you couldn't tell
- The action bit at the end was pretty cool even though they showed a lot of it in the trailers

- I'm still on the fence about Brie as Carol, most of her quips and one-liners didn't work for me. It's hard to imagine her bantering back and forth with the rest of the team in End Game. It seems to come so natural to the rest of the Avengers cast but she sounds "off". I know y'all talking about "It was apart of her character" but I'm pretty sure she'll sound the same in End Game :francis:
- Where the fukk is the color, everything on Earth was fukking washed out in gray. Weren't they in LA? :what:
- The entire scale of the movie felt "small" kinda like the first Thor
- The music was fukking awful :dwillhuh: it's like they found a "90s Hits" CD, picked random songs off of it and threw it in the movie. I can say the same about the OST, least memorable score in a while, very generic. Her "Break out" scene at the end should've been some epic music, not fukking "No Doubt" playing on the juke box like a bar brawl :scust:

After seeing this I don't understand how anyone thinks Carol is some type of savior in End Game. Nothing in her arsenal would make me think that she has a better shot than Thor who would've killed him if he didn't miss. She was literally shooting beams at weak ass jobbers and ole boy still laid hands on her after she "broke free". People were hyping her up like she's Superman OP but I don't see it, I expect her to throw a moon at Thanos because of all the hype :ufdup: