I'm late to the party, but this movie was fukking great.
action scenes were crack. I literally gasped like a japanese wrestling fan when Cap took the grenade to the face (shield) and fell off the bridge.
the acting was great. Black Widow was fleshed out PERFECTLY after being basically so-called eye candy and tricking loki this whole time. This movie was full of subtle shyt. Stuff like the look on her face when Cap told her he trusted her while they were in Sam's house, Cap waking up with Sam sitting there and "Troubleman" playing, Cap's awkwardness with the kiss question, etc. etc....
Cliffhangers between acts were great. I literally paused the movie and paced around during the
and smoked, like

this wasn't supposed to happen.

it wasn't supposed to go down like this.

"Before we get started.... does anyone want to get off?
Easter Eggs were great. Subtle without being "OH LOOK HOW CLEVER WE ARE!" Doc Strange reference and Crossbones.
The fact that this wasn't a SUPERHERO movie made it all taste superb. It's more like.... It's like Commando with a shield. If you don't feel like Cap is "THAT nikka" after that Harrier scene, then really... fukk you.
the only things I DIDN"T like were
1. The opening boat sequence? You ever play Dynamite Cop for the DreamCast?
2. Bit of bad editing between scenes where Maria Hill is like "so, who's he?" or whatever. Maria is played as such a minor character, you almost forget who she even is. And then, jarring switch to the next scene. But that's a minor nitpick.
I marked the fukk out for this movie.
4.25/5. Stupidly good action movie.