I can’t imagine why
if you wanna say the audience is racist, i think the entire construct is racist. this dude was hung out to dry. his entire rise from Falcon to Cap has been, "you have to believe you're as good as white Cap, Black Cap! no matter what they say!" it's like they always have the worst fukkin people in mind when they're making these things. fukk em. stop catering to them. just let the character cook, and if it sucks, it sucks. what's the other option? oh, it sucks, and annoying people complain about "woke" or whatever the buzz word is that day.
mcu is probably toast b/c they've painted themselves into a real "damned if they do, damned if they don't" corner. by the time Xmen roll around, the buzz is gonna be nothing. this is microcosm of everything lately.
they make Sam a co-star of a show, and then they make a shytty Hulk sequel and pretend it's his headlining movie. he's like the only headline hero in the mcu who doesn't even get the hint of a chick, they saddle said shytty movie with a litle B plot starring characters that they literally used as a prank when they announced Civil War, etc. dude got the shaft, and now it's just gonna be, "well, black Cap was a bad idea. Mackie can't do it." i don't even love Anthony Mackie, or Falcon Cap, but dude never had a prayer. ... and by doing all of that, you now have him as the "leader" of the new Avengers going into a movie where you desperately recycle RDJ as a new character. people are gonna shyt on it, guaranteed.