Art Barr
and punches .. which is not realistic.
she is sending grown men backwards with single punches.
and she punches them such that they are stunned and unable to move or forced back - which is unrealistic for a woman her size.
and she takes impacts/forces without injury which suggests increased durability.
it's borderline. left as an open question.
the MCU openly pointed out that hawkeye was "underpowered" i.e. using just "a bow and arrow" multiple times.
they never said anything similar about black widow.
widow survived an explosion which is impossible for a normal human.
she then punches a man 2 to 3 times her weight back three times, without leverage or mechanical assistance.
she supports her body weight one handed on a vehicle that is travelling at least 50 mph.
here she twists the gun out of his hands against the two handed force of the soldier
here she falls 100ft onto concrete (with 4 impacts on the way down) with no harm
here she blocks a full force attack from a guard 2 - 3 times her size with one arm
ignoring fast cuts (hollywood) and narrative license for her acts of offensive strength, there remains the issue of her enhanced durability.
no amount of red room training (fighting style) takes your durability beyond normal human limits.
She is a comic book heroine.
Tha fukk.
Art Barr