Drinks Blood from a Boot
nah man, no contradiction here, my ex loved them movies so i seen alot of em and honestly they are just bad movies. its fluff, there is no depth.

I couldn't get into them either. Even when my girl made me watch. It wasn't til my kids started reciting lines all the time that I decided to give Madea a chance. I dropped my bias, realized it was a decent movie, and it did have some depth to it imo. They all do. I feel you just let your disgust for him dictate how much attention you actually paid to the movie. You wouldn't be thee first person who has done that to a Tyler Perry Movie. I been there, but I realize now that I was wrong and just that. Had a predetermined bias against it because I don't typically like the (for lack of a better word right this second) "c00n" shyt. But then I never mined when say Eddie Murphy has done it..... through out his entire career