Can’t move with me in this digital space
I saw that same clip, awful. 'Kiss The Girls', 'Roses Are Red', 'Pop the Weasel', 'Violets Are Blue', I read all of them up to, and including 'Mary Mary', that one was pretty weak, like you noticed, there was just kind of a story frame work, and it didn't involve you like the rest. I think Patterson just wanted to cash in, because he has a new book out like every 6 months, and to be honest, the earlier ones are good, but the writing/plots are kind of elementary, but they were well done, just like literary junk food. The shyt with the FBI agent/The Mastermind just got so ridiculous, and everyone escaping and teaming up like some super hero shyt....Alex Cross was reduced to a caricature. And at some point, just let the man and his family live, it's not even believable for them to have been through so much murder and torment.

The one that made me lose interest was the book about Vietnam war vets as hitmen.

Why are you red breh?