Candace Owens Vs Cardi B | ROUND 2

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Everything regarding "blackness" has everything to do with black people entirely stupid. Not just your made up hashtag.

No, you, your fellow netbanging hasthag squad, Yvette c00nell, Mink Slide, nor Tonetalks useless asses are not the all embodying authorities and victims of "blackness." You can stay in lala lands and keep stroking your insecurities if it makes you feel better.

Neither Owens nor Cardi ever claimed to speak for "black Americans" politically or culturally at any point here. How are they speaking for you? In fact this conversation is hardly even about black people or race in general, it's more them getting at each other over women's sex lives.

Owens is a white power conservative who hates and denigrates all black people, not just "black Americans/ADOS." Owens shyts on everyone who is not a white conservative. She called Cardi B a disgrace and poor example to all women. Cardi hit back at her for being self-hating and promoting sexist views of women serving (white) men even while pregnant, reinforcing mammy stereotypes. I hope you don't think being a "mammy" is either a "black American" thing exclusively nor something worth fighting, claiming and sticking your nose up over. No one said anything about the "black American" community specifically at all, you just seem to need attention. Owens can get smoke from anyone of any ethnic background because she deserves it. Owens is just as critical of black (and white) Latinos as she is of black Americans and just about everyone who isn't white and Republican.

It's only you obsessive weirdos always looking to turn black people against each other in every damn thread on some next level c00nery. shyt is try-hard.

Yes we are lil nikka :mjlol:
Y'all foreign nikkas just "realized y'all was black" either in the 60's UK or when y'all came to America. :dead:


Apr 24, 2015
Boy, tell me what it's like living in a world where one damn tweet from someone as equally narrow minded as yourself defines your reality of an entire group of people? Carnival is not a black event, it's a West Indian event.....this makes no sense....The last time I went to the West Indian parade in Brooklyn--or any "West Indian" event for that matter--I saw plenty American soul food vendors with folks lined up right next to Caribbean counterparts. I saw American flags being sold, flown, and worn all over the place. I heard black American artists, songs and genres getting blasted by DJs right next to Caribbean music. Have you been to a West Indian carnival before? If you did you'd see people of all ethnic backgrounds with all their own flags walking around, chilling, drinking and vibing together celebrating blackness all around. West Indians are black people. West Indian culture is a black culture. Carnival is a black event. Don't no one in real life think like you Twitter weirdos.

Define "the idea of blackness" and tell me how it is being "used and leeched off of" you please. Please explain how black immigrants have both no leverage and a "leg up" on you at the same time. Again, it sounds like you just love attention. Maybe you should take your anger to the white American ancestors and American government you feel such a great connection to--being that you built it and are therefore it's authority--if you don't like "the idea of blackness" in the United Sates.

Key point: "part of." That's not what that conversation is about, and it doesn't "speak for" your weirdo hashtag or whatever attention it seeks. Candace Owens is a self-hating black woman multi-generational American or otherwise, getting at a hood chick from the Bronx that ain't even checking her just cus she won a Grammy. She got checked back.

Okay, there were plenty of Caribbean-born or descended and Latina servants, "mammies," chefs and so on in the United States. But whatever I guess. Won't fight with you over your cultural claim to a word or servitude in this country.

When you talking "black" you're talking a black person. Which Candace Owens is. You can ignore that all you want, or complicate it with your weird ideology all you want, it's facts.

She tries to belittle and sabotage all black people. She has no distinction for whether victims of racism or police violence or her politics are "ados" or otherwise. Her actions is product of her conservative ideology not some attention starved ADOS shyt. Quit trying to start beef where there ain't none, idiot.

:mjlol::mjlol: Breh, sign up for st0rmfr0nt and get it over with already, damn. :mjlol:
Mammy stereotype
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For other uses, see Mammy.

Clipping from May 29, 1910, issue of the Chicago Tribune reporting a move to build a "monument" to "Ol' Black Mammy" in Washington, D.C. The subhead mentions "the sentiment that clings to this picturesque character of antebellum days."

Mauma Mollie. She died in the 1850s at the home of the white Florida family who enslaved her. A family member described her as nursing "nearly all of the children in the family", and said that they loved her as a "second mother".[1]

Mammy figurines in the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia.
A mammy, also spelled mammie,[2] is a U.S. stereotype, especially in the South, for a black woman who worked in a white family and nursed the family's children.[3] The mammy figure is rooted in the history of slavery in the United States. Black slave women were tasked with domestic and childcare work in white American slaveholding households.
Mammy stereotype

The Mammy Caricature - Anti-black Imagery - Jim Crow Museum - Ferris State University

There were no mammies in the caribbean. White men didn't import their women to their past and current sex tourism playgrounds. Why bring sand to the beach, "mon"? HA HA HA, I joke. Mulatresses and Koonnettes were the surrogates, "BLACK" CARIBBEAN people like Rosetta Smith/Picton should ring a bell. Maybe she had mammies? It's okay because she's afro TRINI right?
Rosetta Smith (c. 1770-1775 – c. 1825) was an Afro-Trinidadian slave trader and entrepreneur. Because of her association with Thomas Picton, the governor of Trinidad accused of abuse against a slave, she has come down in history as a seductress and sinister woman who used her wiles to manipulate the governor. A reexamination of her life indicates that she was an astute businesswoman who was successful in enlarging her fortunes over at least three decades.

FPOCs in majority black countries were a BUFFER class and still are today. Don't talk to us.


Apr 24, 2015
It's quiet for me now, I'm very sorry.



Your broad loves me.....
May 19, 2012
Harlem, NYC
A plantation fight just like back in the day. :russ:

A literal bedwench vs. A literal house negro.

Not gonna lie, Cardi killed her when she said "you in the kitchen making sandwiches for white men, after centuries of rape and abuse" :wow:

Hotep Cardi :wow:
I know that shyt cut deep. Got damn that was brutal.