Bleed The Freak
I didn’t vote for him but he looks like the greatest PM of our time compared to Justin.
all I know is it was much easier for me to buy property when he was around because it was affordable. I didn’t have to worry about finding a doctor. Life was pretty good during his time. Trudeau would have sunk us into poverty during the glibal inancial crisis. You can’t just run a country on feels. Social programs cost money. Our productivity dropped yet we spent more money to look after people who were a strain in our economy.
Libs always end the same way they always do too far and never realize that there is a cost for all these rainbows and unicorns.

They always end up capitulating to the tree hugging, electric car, no plastic straws crowd.
Have reasonable immigration, be sensitive but reasonable on social issues and make sure if folks are pissed about their situation take that shyt seriously.