What does it mean to be "conservative" though?
My father has been voting democrat for as long as he's been in this country but he's one of the most conservative people I've ever met
exactly what does it means to conserve? when you get to the meat of it...Kermit is right in a sense
This is the general sentiment around here...
what exactly are you as a blackman conserving?
what white folks mean is they are conserving the 87% of the nation's wealth in this country to them and them alone. This is why in principle the party cannot be inclusive. I've got tons of conservative principles just like many AA's but we aren't allowed in the party because we won't submit to 'keeping the Wealth' of whites locked in. IMO they are something like the Modern day Federalist.
This is why Rev Jesse lee Peterson is trotted out...he understands what the deal is and doesn't have a problem with it.
When you think of it in an economic historical sense you see them for exactly what they are. When they say things like 'traditional values', 'a rising tide lifts all boats'...'take our country back', 'redistribution of wealth'. This is what conservatism means...they have the loot and they don't want you to progress to get it.
I understand some blacks being in that party, some of my family was...but you must tow the line if you want to shine. Those 'principles' are dear to their heart and they mean it. Supporting Conservatism means you can make your money, but never think you are more wealthy, or in control of America. Those rights are reserved for the White Male Christian Power structure. This is what they are trying to conserve.
take a look