A Shawn Michaels groupie talking about bad ratings?You're right 12 straight summers of the ratings going down. Nobody can do it quite like him
To quote my older post:
People forget how big of a draw Cena was.
3 of the top 5 highest all-time Wrestlemania buyrates had Cena in the main event.
Top 10 Most Bought WrestleMania PPVs of All Time
And the highest selling Wrestlemania of all time had the main event of:
And the 4th highest selling Wrestlemania had this main event:
One could argue that Wrestlemania just as an event will get high buyrates regardless but for him to be in the main event of 5 of the top 10 highest selling Wrestlemanias means a lot. We can criticize his wrestling, stale gimmick, and promos all day but his drawing power is in the elite category. He could sell merchandise like it was nothing and people paid to see him in big matches.