Who ever gave you that answer is dumb. He's not top 10 because he's not legit. He's pushed hard despite fan rejection that has never been seen before @the top level and they created cute marketing to make it seem like it's not all that bad. His punches are a joke. He botches the Fist Drop every single match. He can't carry regular guys to a top level. They held back other guys when they got close to passing him up(Punk, Bryan(injuries more than anything since he was actually booked ahead of Cena)..he buries a lot of good talent(Hassan, Umaga, Sandow). Commentary heels on faces for him to a comical degree. He doesn't sell out arenas year to year and he doesn't have any real buyrates he's generated on his own. He's a joke..a phony. Not a true top name. Just a pushed one that they didn't let the gas pedal off of. That's not Bruno who was selling out MSG for years. Hogan who broke records. Rock who broke records. Austin who broke records. Flair who became a huge draw in the South. Dusty who actually filled up arenas.
He has no classic promos either. Even his biggest dikk riders on this site like to mention this promo content. How can you? He got beasted on by Wade, Carlito, Lita, Edge, Christian, Cripple H, Rocky, Punk, and had to bring up a cancer ridden girl after Bryan ETHERED him to high heavens. That's not top 10. That's a pretender.