@Blackthoughts @CSquare43 @FaTaL been riding for this team since forever, so props to them.
Blackthoughts been talking like they were Memphis Bleek for years, just 1 hit away I hope Bogut can comeback and be healthy for the second half of the season, they could be a tough out with him in the playoffs. Plus, the Warriors had the livest crowd for the playoffs, so I hope they can make it there.
Crazy to think that they're SF bound. If folks thought the Brooklyn Nets fanbase was wack...
Crazy to think that they're SF bound. If folks thought the Brooklyn Nets fanbase was wack...
Crazy to think that they're SF bound. If folks thought the Brooklyn Nets fanbase was wack...
Not sure what you mean by this comment? The Warriors have had GREAT attendance even through the shytty years.
He's saying it'll be different if they move to a new arena in SF.
Not everyone will follow the team over there.
He's saying it'll be different if they move to a new arena in SF.
Not everyone will follow the team over there.
Crazy to think that they're SF bound. If folks thought the Brooklyn Nets fanbase was wack...
Lakers the 3rd best team in california
Crazy to think that they're SF bound. If folks thought the Brooklyn Nets fanbase was wack...
..... wut
the warriors are a bay area team, not an oakland team... their fans are from all over the bay area.. it isnt a deal like the oakland a's, the sf giants, the 49ers and raiders... there is no other nba franchise in the bay area. why would the arena experience in SF be any different?
i'm glad they'r emoving, the oakland coliseum area is a dump. the bar scene and all the bandwagon box that's gona be at the games 41 times a year
1 BART ride isn't gonna stop real warriors fans from the east bay, not to mention that SF itself is a great sports city and already rides with em