Can someone explain to me why Israel and Palestine are beefing in layman’s terms?


Mar 11, 2022
So basically, lets say you used to go to church in Inglewood back in the day but you left thinking things would be better in Gardena. Lots of drivebys, your people wrapped up in bullshyt and you want better for your kids etc.. You get to Gardena and found out not only is shyt not sweet, but they dont even like your black ass up there and matter fact start fighting you and your peoples. You do meet a few cool white girls tho to fukk with that let you stay at their place. So you move back to the hood like fukk it and find out there's new nikkas learning about the lord, and i mean you can stay but its not really your hood anymore.

So then you go "nah it IS my hood still and we NOT sharing" and start fighting the people that moved in while you were gone, and your extended family, cousins and them start joining in cause you got a bigger family with more influence after seeding up those white girls. The people that moved in just wanna pray in peace and they not leaving for nothing better like you did so eventually they're like fukk it its go time. Thats essentially it. You're welcome my brother 🙏


All Star
Dec 11, 2015
∞ 216 ∞
- The original ethnic Jews got ran out of Israel and ofc other people start occupying that land

- Jews migrated to different parts of the globe and start mixing with other ethnicities (mostly cacs)

- Despite going through some shyt while trying to assimilate into other countries, Jews gain a lot of power and influence

- Zionists want to use that power to make Israel a Jew “holy land” again by any means necessary. And you ain’t one of “god’s chosen people” then they want you to gtfo.

That’s my interpretation of the events from what I’ve heard over the years. A lot of stuff is left out and probably inaccurate lol but there you go
There were still Jews there it just wasn’t a lot.
Apr 3, 2014
British doctor in Palestine is saying about 40% of the victims of Israels air strikes are kids. They are bombing apartment complexes. It's crazy. Ironic that the much of what Russia is doing is what Israel already did and is trying to do more of...yet such a different response. America should be treating Israel like Russia and Palestine like Ukraine. I wonder why there such a difference?

Ukraine didn't attack Russia first, you crazy breh :dwillhuh:

You a decent breh, but you really thought you had something here :laff:

What y'all seem to be forgetting (conveniently) is that Hamas (which is consisted of Palestinians) literally FILMED themselves paragliding and rolling into Israel's borders killing men, women and babies.

Yes, Israel has been doing it, but Israel wasn't dumb enough to record the video of their atrocities and then RELEASE IT THEMSELVES like :youngsabo:

:snoop:Come on brehs, y'all are being obtuse here. There is a such thing as standing in any conflict. These fools (Hamas) messed around and gave Israel the "high ground"... at least for now.

The only "good thing" that can come out of this for Palestinians is that when Israeli ground troops roll into Gaza and start slaughtering the hell out of them, that the eyes of the world will be watching. Cause Israel is about to kill so many Palestinians that y'all gon be like ":skip: I didn't know they had that many people over there to even be killed :picard:"

That's the ONLY good thing to come out of this, if you want to call it "good".

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Ukraine didn't attack Russia first, you crazy breh :dwillhuh:

You a decent breh, but you really thought you had something here :laff:

What y'all seem to be forgetting (conveniently) is that Hamas (which is consisted of Palestinians) literally FILMED themselves paragliding and rolling into Israel's borders killing men, women and babies.

Yes, Israel has been doing it, but Israel wasn't dumb enough to record the video of their atrocities and then RELEASE IT THEMSELVES like :youngsabo:

:snoop:Come on brehs, y'all are being obtuse here. There is a such thing as standing in any conflict. These fools (Hamas) messed around and gave Israel the "high ground"... at least for now.

The only "good thing" that can come out of this for Palestinians is that when Israeli ground troops roll into Gaza and start slaughtering the hell out of them, that the eyes of the world will be watching. Cause Israel is about to kill so many Palestinians that y'all gon be like ":skip: I didn't know they had that many people over there to even be killed :picard:"

That's the ONLY good thing to come out of this, if you want to call it "good".
And Palestine didn't attack Israel first. My post is more about Israel being Russia, invading a land they claim as their own and killing people.


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
Imagine someone coming into your house, then they claim that it’s theirs, and then they force you to live in your closet…all while limiting your access to water, electricity, physical contact with the outside world.
oh, and the people that took over your house believe that they are entitled to do so because a book written by man claims that they are God’s favorite people.
Not only that, imagine every time you fought your way out of your closest, the person who took your house ran in front of a news crew and said "HELP ME :damn: HE TRYING TO GET OUT OF THE CLOSET I FORCED HIM IN:damn: HELP ME HE TRYING TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE I STOLE FROM HIM :damn: THIS IS DISCRMINATION AGAINST ME HE SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE THE HOUSE THAT IS HIS IT SHOULD BE MINE HELP ME:damn:" and then the rest of the world was like "yes here is 100 of millions of dollars in aid so that you can put him back in the closest in the house you stole from him"

Juliano Soprano

May 1, 2012
I’m not siding with Israel in this situation at all, always been on Palestine side, but all the examples in this thread is from the perspective of Palestine.

Taking the house analogy and coming from the perspective of Israel would be:

You leave your parents house to live and build your own life, you do well for yourself and extend your lineage, friends and Allies. You miss home and you know your parents house is still there, they’re gone but never sold the house, you go to the house and see people occupying your parents house, they’re squatters and refuse to leave. Since they refuse to leave you decide to forcibly move back in, and with the help of your family, friends and allies you take ownership of majority of the house and make their life as uncomfortable as possible in hopes they’ll get the message and leave…I’ll leave it at that


Mar 11, 2022
I’m not siding with Israel in this situation at all, always been on Palestine side, but all the examples in this thread is from the perspective of Palestine.

Taking the house analogy and coming from the perspective of Israel would be:

You leave your parents house to live and build your own life, you do well for yourself and extend your lineage, friends and Allies. You miss home and you know your parents house is still there, they’re gone but never sold the house, you go to the house and see people occupying your parents house, they’re squatters and refuse to leave. Since they refuse to leave you decide to forcibly move back in, and with the help of your family, friends and allies you take ownership of majority of the house and make their life as uncomfortable as possible in hopes they’ll get the message and leave…I’ll leave it at that
Pretty much... but your parents took out a payday loan so it was never really theirs although they believed so at the time. Your mom was also sleeping with some of the squatters and let them stay in the house when your dad was gone. She had a whole family out of wedlock and told them they could stay. Really that money left over from the payday loan is the cause of the ongoing conflict but you aint paying it off because you need something that ties you to the house.

The House is actually fully paid off but the Payday loan people sold your loan off to Collections and didnt say anything cause they needed the conflict to sell more loans but now they don't care. And that's where we are in 2023.