It makes perfect sense.
Do you truly believe a racist homicidal maniac who murdered millions of humans in the most inhumane ways just because of thier race would suddenly wake up one day and confess that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior and start to live the by the text of the Hebrew Bible?
In theory, if that happened, then yes, God will forgive him, because He isn’t bound by our human standards or modern definitions of words.
But, we will receive the consequences of our actions, that is promises, and if you drink, drug yourself with drugs or wealth, murder millions of people and commit to a life of living under the demonic influence, your brain patterns and logic (even on a scientific level) are destroyed and (by YOUR own choice) freaked your whole entire being and mental state to a point to where a decision like that is almost a zero percent chance of being made.
If you even asked anyone for help they would try to kill you, and every human you surrounded yourself around would have no knowledge of how to safe your soul by your own doing of dictatorship.
And even if you stopped completely and decided to change, that would mean you would immediately end what you are doing, turn all your war criminal friends and family members in, and submit yourself for punishment knowing you will be tortured and murdered in the most painful and inhumane way.
Just like you did for others.
So as you’re being tortured if you still found a way to submit yourself to this Jewish Hebrew Jesus you JUST learned about but don’t know nothing about then…
Yall give these scenarios to be funny or throw concepts away but your scenario makes less sense then my beliefs
bolded is all you had to say breh all that other stuff you talking is just window dressing, you proving me right
maniacal genocidal racist murder of millions accepting god into their heart and meaning it>>>>>Some gay dude being perpetually gay
And people really believe this stuff Thats why I just say i'm spiritual/agnostic. I'm not nearly as arrogant as the religious to come up with all these mind bending stipulations on who and who is not truly a follower. I can simply read the texts as they are and not have to pretzel myself into them making sense or being allegorical when something is too preposterous to follow in 2025.