Religious people such hypocritical pieces of shyt.
Mafukkas will have sex outside of marriage, gamble, cheat on their taxes, break a million laws, listen to music and watch tv and movies about crime and sex, yet hop on a soap box about homosexuality.
I think because most homosexuals embrace their sexuality as their identity, culture and lifestyle which they CHOOSE obviously and accept as OK.
It’s like they are defined by being Gay or basically the act which the Bible says is sinful just like any other sin right?
If they think it’s NOT a sin they’re in conflict with the teachings of Jesus and Judaism.
But a true Christian will never accept being a liar or thief or cheat on their husband/wife
They won’t celebrate it. And if they do or have done these things they are actively trying to stop, NOT DO IT ANYMORE or live a different lifestyle than anything that involves condoning “sin”
Gay people are OK with sinning as it is inherent in being gay identified as Gay
I think it’s a state of mind thing.
Even if Gays are married to another man or woman technically the Bible doesn’t acknowledge same sex marriage so they’d be “living in sin” regardless
I think the REAL issue is what it means to be a “practicing” or “real” Christian or homosexual, and how do we know or tell what is true.
Seems like people in here are divided on that
But you can’t be both at the same time because the two lifestyles conflict
It’s like two rival groups or gangs
To be one, you have to be actively leaving or break ties with the other
Like some gay people always say: “b-b-but I’m born Gay”…..but to become “Christian”: “ye must be BORN AGAIN”