Not really a fair assessment because they were all talented in their own right and there was a reason why 50 picked them to begin with. Obviously they wouldn’t be shyt without 50’s co-sign, but had they all made better moves as a whole they could have and should have had better careers than they had.Game sold 4-5 million without ever knowing how to write a song
Buck went platinum after Juvey’s tour bus leaving him
Banks went double out of the gate and gold on his own merits with a comeback record
Don’t confuse 50 being one of the bigger artists ever with what the nikkax he brought along should’ve been
Drake was a degrassi reject with no motion musically before the peak Wayne co-sign, Nicki was a chick rapping on dvds with no buzz before the peak Wayne co-sign, now there’s a whole generation that looks at them as goats, because they played their cards right after the initial lob Wayne threw them, unlike g unit members with the 50 lob