Nas going more commercial for IWW recieved backlash and was definitely said to have sold out by the time Nastradamus came out. Doing songs with somebody like Puff was obviously good for his business in the music industry,but that was hated because of what Puffy represented.
In music going commercial is whats seen as good for business. Nas recieved backlash with practically every attempt. Not to mention Jay even called him out "Is it black girl lost or shawty owe you for ice?". Why do something much of your core audience doesnt like,and casuals dont look for you to do? Plus that Jay call out couldve of forced the man to recalibrate.
Making music for who Nas makes music for today is good for his business. But he learned this through trial and error by being a oppurtunist. Not neccessarily a failed opportunist,but it probably wasnt worth what he stood to lose which was his core.