Call of Duty Infinite Warfare OT

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
i hate this game, idk why i have over 2 days played on it. it's so shyt. supppy drops for guns are the worse thing to happen to COD

there's no reason why a scrub with a .60 K.d should be able to gun me down with a rare as VPR or energy weapon.

the amount of times i get bullshyt killed is stupid.

wall running and flying in the air is a joke and stresses my hands out but it's become an essential apart of the game in terms of having to adapt to outgun kids who rely on it

i can't wait for boots on the ground
It depends really. And you cant go off KDs honestly. Im on like my 4th Prestige I think but I didnt play that much as it was and play even less now. When Im dialed in, I feel comfortable in a room full of Master Prestigers. Other days I could get wrecked and go 14-30 with guys not half as good as MPs. I dunno what my KD is. Probably like .80 or something but I dunno if objective games on hardcore makes my KD lower than it should be if were to play mostly DM or FFA in regular mode. The other thing is the the fukked up matchmaking system. I mostly play objective hardcore but I could start a match from intermission with 10 players, 5 of which are MPs (no parties) and the other team will have all 5 MPs on the same squad. :martin: Two of my guys will drop immediately and by the time the match starts, a new guy would come in, not on MY team thats down 2 players, but THEIR team.:dwillhuh: And then its 7v3. Then the rest of my team will bail and Im in that bytch by myself 1v7. I get a kick out of sticking around to the end in those matches for some reason but Ill get killed like 44 times and shyt and cant achieve any objective. Every now and then I might give some guys work in that scenario but almost everytime that happens and im by myself, I get an invite to a room. Like they feel sorry for me but respect a nikka for sticking it out. :salute:

Back on topic (I drifted), theres really only a handful of variants that ACTUALLY make a difference. Something like Flatline, Yokai, UDM Stalker, Cartell 44 can wreak havoc in regular modes (less so in HC). Im aggressive cause I get bored playing any other way so I die way more than I need to. I hate the Synaps that basically never touch down on maps like Precinct where vantage point wins out every single time. Partly because for some reason Im just not as good at it as others I think but I also dont think its fun so I tend not to even try. There are times though like Excess, where you just HAVE to be that damn mobile and boost everywhere.


Jun 20, 2013
What is your kd? :lupe:

over all? 1.73, it's been dropping tho due to sniping even tho most games sniping i have a 2+ kd or higher :/ my kd with the widow maker is 1.85

i got the game late tho and when i started playing i was trash, i think my shyt was like a .95

i notice most people with +2kds in this game mostly run with a squad, for the most part i play solo or just with my boyfriend it's only been until recently like the past few weeks i've been playing with a party of 3 others.

anyways if anyone with xbox still plays this game, add me my GT is dan1ellep