gonna have to say bo1 had the biggest skill gap
BO2 along with MW1 have the biggest skill gaps in any COD game.
The maps in Ghosts were absolutely awful. The game itself was as bad.
Black Ops 2 was the most casual friendly of all the call of duty's that game is NOT that great. all small maps with very little tactics
Ghosts actually got it right, it actually was the first to remind me of BO1. AW is really the most different
MW2 was broken due to how easy the good people would end games with a nuke, and MW3 was par. I hate how many people say BO2 is "competitive" and what not its the same type argument losers try to convince themselves that Super Smash Brothers should be compared to a game like Street Fighter or MvC.
BO2 was good but its not the best in the series
im deadass, BO2 is the fastest playing of all of them
Most of the maps in BO2 are small, the time before you encounter an enemy is the shortest. It also was one of the worst with spawn camping(e.g. the back of the house on Mission)
that game was a mess for anyone that plays tactically. There were fewer paths through the map than any other duty. It was easy bake in comparison to CoD4 which had some of the best maps of the entire series
ok there was some overlap there
but three lane is EASY MODE, compare to a map like Favela which had like 6-7 different ways from point A to point B you have multiple avenues (which was one of the big design points in Ghosts maps)
see where we differ in opinion is what we call skilled, the speed at which you draw your gun on someone who pops out a door is akin to the skill used in a game like lethal enforcers. Being in the right place because you know the enemy team is likely to try and cross is another type of skill. Tracking and psychology which DONT happen when the maps are too small
my roommate is all about the speedier gameplay and what not but that aint "real" what-so-ever. Its kind of the point im making about the deterioration of "realistic" shooters which hit its worst with BO2
because what
are you saying that people should require 5+ bullets to put down?
SOCOM would have made you break your tv
this is the KEY difference between a game like Halo and a supposed "realistic" shooter
gonna have to say bo1 had the biggest skill gap
you didnt get rewarded for dying in that game and you couldnt pick up points for assists or taking out equipment
you simply killed or were killed
see i understand now4-5 so you actually have some time to react and use your gun skill. Getting 2-bulleted is a joke. It requires little to no skill. In Ghosts, it's not a matter of gun skill. It's a matter of who sees who first.
I agree with ghosts about the gunsbecause whatthe maps were too big? seems like a common trend
see i understand now
cause thats how it was playing games like Quake, but to me that has no place in a realistic shooter
so ill take it the realism aspect just isnt appealing to you which i can respect as long as its clear we dont define skill the same way
It's funny how the best maps in Ghosts were the symmetrical, small to medium sized, and balanced ones. Freight, Sovereign, Strikezone & Warhawk.
bruh ill say this, the low-mid range killstreaks were buttcheeks(vultureI agree with ghosts about the guns, every class had 4-5 guns that were good to use
but kill streaks were ass as shyt and the maps to big, games in tdm went to the time limit all the time. That shyt shoudnt happen