Call of Duty Black Ops 3 [Official Thread]


Nov 26, 2014
Exo suits? I hope we can play multiplayer fully with exo suits turned off.

I wanna play Nuketown with Nuketown actually blowing up mid game, like how the MOAB in COD: Ghosts blows up the entire stage :blessed:

Tic Tac T O

Registered User
May 2, 2012
It's Black Ops 3 and those were the last titles I really fukked with so I'm interested, but I'll only consider copping after it drops and heads say it's back to greatness


No more snow
May 1, 2012
i didn't hear anything about exo suits, I heard cybernetics/wall running

which is still dissapointing...I want blops1

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven

Five Things to Make Call of Duty Black Ops 3 A Better Game.
by Raymond
Lets not beat around the bush, or try to amuse ourselves by pretending that we did not know that there was a new Call of Duty coming out this year. Let’s further not delude ourselves by denying that we knew it was going to be Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. It is that time in the Call of Duty cycle, that is now 3 years, for Treyarch to be the developer and showcase their skills in making the annual sales showpiece game.
With April 26th coming up quickly, and a world reveal upon us, we are going to look at a few things that we would want out of a new Call of Duty game, to make it better than the previous iterations. And thankfully for gamers, and to the dismay of Activision I’m sure, this years Call of Duty is going to have to be spectacular if it’s going to release in its normal time frame of the beginning of November, with the rumored release of the new Star Wars Battlefront on November 17th.

Number 1:
One of the main reasons that Treyarch has been successful at making Call of Duty has been their “Nazi Zombie” mode introduced in World At War. It has transcended over to Black Ops and Black Ops 2, and I would love to say it has got better with each iteration, but it hasn’t.
In World At War, Zombie mode was simplistic and that was good. The map design was nice, not overly complicated but not so easy that it got boring as soon as you shot the first zombie. It did have its faults however, after reaching higher and higher levels the mode would be repetitive and boring, and glitches added to that issue.
Black Ops address these issues, and made things so much better by giving players more to do during the levels, however map design did suffer a little bit. Black Ops 2 came along, and in my opinion, map design didn’t just suffer, it was shot in the chest and slapped around a bit. Making the maps and games overly complicated just for the sake of being complicated was a bad choice, and something that Black Ops 3 needs to avoid at all costs.
What Treyarch could do, beyond making specialized maps for zombie mode, is to let us run zombie mode on the regular multiplayer maps. Make it more like a “horde” mode from other games, and let us run around like crazed maniacs and kill zombies. I would buy the game just for this.
The biggest downfall that Treyarch must avoid, do not charge us for zombie mode. Do not make us wait for zombie mode. Zombie mode on Black Ops 3 must be available upon launch, or the game will be a disappointment in my books. Give us more maps via DLC, give us more guns via DLC, but do not make us wait for Zombie mode via DLC.
Number 2:
A longer campaign. It really is that simple, some people buy Call of Duty solely for the campaign, and while previous games have been on the short side, I feel that Black Ops 3 could turn this around with a few simple things.
Add in co-op. Call of Duty World At War had campaign co-op, while it wasn’t as good as co-op campaigns in games such as Halo or Gears of War, it was a step in the right direction for Call of Duty. Bring this back, give us both online and offline campaign co-op, and it’ll add endless replay value to the game.
To borrow another part from World At War, in both single player and co-op campaign, give us that World At War challenge at Veteran difficulty. Veteran difficulty on World At War still haunts my dreams to this day, the endless barrage of grenades the Japanese soldiers tossed at me, it frightens me to think about. Give us that, and if anything it’ll give the campaign length just by sheer pain.
A longer campaign, co-op, and challenging difficulty would take away a lot of the critics talking points about Call of Duty.
Number 3:
When Call of Duty 4 came along, and was set in modern-day, it was revolutionary to the Call of Duty franchise. The gaming world grew tired of World War 2 shooters, and something different was wonderful. When World At War took us back to World War 2, the gaming community sorta groaned a bit but accepted it. Then we got taken to the future, and no one was happy. Well, I wasn’t.
The biggest thing, in my opinion, that would make me want to buy Call of Duty Black Ops 3 would be to take us out of the future. It doesn’t mean we have to go back to World War 2, there is plenty of history we can explore, with lots of opportunities for stories that have yet to be told. The Call of Duty community doesn’t want Sci Fi, we don’t want Halo.
Number 4:
Give us classic Call of Duty multiplayer. I will give the “Pick 10” system credit, that it is nice, as is customizable kill streaks. All this nonsense about “point streaks”, “support point streaks”, and the such is bothersome and rewards people not for being good, but for participating.
I don’t want to play youth soccer where I get a trophy for showing up, I want to earn my rewards. If I have no kills, and 10 deaths, I don’t want to have a stealth bomber to wipe out the enemy with. I did not earn that by dying 10 times, I earned 10 deaths is all.
Give us classic Call of Duty multiplayer. Give me 3 perk slots, 3 kill streaks, and that’s it. Sure, being able to customize our soldiers is cool, being able to make custom emblems for our player cards is wonderful, even being able to make my gun look like it’s wrapped in bacon is okay, but don’t make me spend 20 minutes trying to make my load out right.
Number 5:
Call of Duty Elite. Bring back the prominence of Call of Duty Elite. I enjoyed being able to track my clans, my stats, my everything through that website/app. Make it part of the season pass for Black Ops 3, but make it more than just a slight discount over buying the DLC packs individually.
Don’t just give me a special tag for my player card, take a page out of Infinity Ward’s playbook for Modern Warfare 3 and give us a “Season of Content” for Season Pass/Elite members. Give us a new gun, new map, new mode, new zombie map, or even a new customization for our soldier/player card weekly if we’re members. Saving $10 on buying DLC when no DLC has come out yet isn’t very enticing to most of the general public, specially after they just dropped $60 on the game itself, then another $50 on something that will come, eventually.
Is there something that you think would make Call of Duty Black Ops 3 a better game? Something that could break the cycle of Call of Duty being disappointing? Should it be futuristic, or set in the past, modern-day maybe? Laser guns, or not? Let us know in the comments below.


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
You can thank

Movement in Titanfall completely shyts on AW.

Not their fault Activision pulled a :flabbynsick: jack move :manny:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 To Possibly Deal With Memory Implants And Alteration
Will Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 have a dark and memory twisting narrative?

The latest teasers coming out of Snapchat in relation to Call of Duty Black Ops III may well point towards memory implantation in patients. This is exceptionally interesting in regards to Call of Duty because it points towards a gameplay story that doesn’t rely on the,“here’s the bad guy, he’s actually a good guy, that bloke is the real bad guy, go kill him” storyline. A plot that follows memory implants is an inherently interesting one.
It says in the teasers that patients can’t distinguish between their own memories, and implanted memories, this means that an everyday person could live their life normally until one day they get a memory dropped into their head and from that point onwards, they’re a war veteran as far as they’re concerned. Of course, this leaves the door wide open for a generic mind wipe experiment story which would have the protagonist be the bad guy, and he simply doesn’t remember.
But let’s try and avoid something so cheap and go for a deeper narrative. Call of Duty could certainly use it. Popular Youtube user MrDalekJD does a pretty neat job in analyzing this theory. You can check out the video below. As usual, this should be taken with a grain of salt. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has already been confirmed by Activison and will most likely release this year.



Aug 19, 2012
It's Black Ops 3 and those were the last titles I really fukked with so I'm interested, but I'll only consider copping after it drops and heads say it's back to greatness

You gotta wait until the hype dies down. If the thread is still being upped constantly well into four months since release date... THEN you buy it.

Tic Tac T O

Registered User
May 2, 2012
You gotta wait until the hype dies down. If the thread is still being upped constantly well into four months since release date... THEN you buy it.
Yup. Especially when you consider they nerf guns and shyt and sometimes kill the fun that way.