To summarize this thread:
1) If you believed what Obama said, wrote, and his voting record...and you thought he was going to live up to that, you're an idiot who should realize you're an idiot BUT still vote for him because he's the best option you have and it's YOUR fault he lied.
2) You're somehow a better person because you KNEW he was LYING and that he was a modern republican all along and doing whatever he could to rile up the progressive base.
Only in the sick, twisted corrupted system of the bought out 2-party system is option 2 seen as honorable, and option 1 seen as weak.
That's the problem with our system ladies and gentlemen, and why it will never change. Fear of the opposition party winning will always trump the expectations of truth telling.
Wrong. More like Obama ran as a typical Democratic party centrist like Gore or Kerry and people like you somehow got duped into the impression that he was some kind of Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich when he never presented himself that way. You can talk about he lied about the Patriot Act or lobbyists or whatever, but if it's surprising to you that a politician went back on a few campaign promises, I don't know what to tell you, young man.
For the most part he's governed as he ran. I'm more disappointed in his lack of will and ability to negotiate than anything else (debt ceiling, Bush tax cuts, healthcare reform).
I don't know what you saw in 08, but I saw a guy who...
-Spoke in platitudes about the economy being "geared toward those at the top" but never expressed any specifics on remedying that other than returning yo the Clinton top marginal rate.
-Said nothing about campaign finance reform.
-Said nothing about breaking up the big banks, nationalization, curtailing derivatives trading or bringing back Glass-Steagall
-Supported half ass public option healthcare reform, not single payer.
-Said nothing about marijuana legalization or ending the drug war or the private prison industrial-complex.
-Said he wanted to return to Bush Sr.'s foreign policy.
-Said he wanted a surge in Afghanistan.
-Threatened to bomb Pakistan and said he would continue drone strikes.
-Never mentioned poverty and just talked about middle class this and that like every other politician.
-Never talked about gun control.
-Raised more corporate cash than any presidential nominee in history and outraged his opponent by a 3-1 margin.
-His biggest campaign contributor was Goldman Sachs.
-Said nothing about slashing the size of the military or changing to a non-interventionist approach.
-Never addressed systemic racial injustice and only lectured black men about how they're "acting like boys."
-Supported expanding drilling.
So this progressive candidate you campaigned for and knocked door to door for and donated money to was a figment of your imagination.
Obama was a traditional Democrat who ran on a traditional Democrat platform. I hate to break it to you, but the next Democratic nominee will be the same way. America is America. Norway ain't walking though that door.